Chapter 3: Seeryath I

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I had never felt as refreshed as I did after a night's rest following my escape. I looked at the other two dragons, keeping my gaze away from the skeletons that decorated the valley. Azrael was up, but didn't look like he planned on moving. Meanwhile, Thirak was huddled away in a slowly breathing pile. I stretched my wings as I got up, starting to feel antsy and needing to move. The moment I moved, however, caused Thirak to wake up, and within seconds the other dragon was on his feet and looking around with surprisingly clear eyes.

Seeing that I was up Thirak asked, "What are we going to do now? What allies do you still have?"

"I'm not sure that the elves can help as I'm sure they have their own problems. The wolf pack is an ally, but they won't fight because this isn't their battle," I responded slowly as I thought.

"What's the use of an ally that won't fight?" Thirak snapped aggressively. "Besides, just because they were on your side before, doesn't mean they still are!"

"They will be," I snarled back.

"You don't know that – you have no evidence about that fact!" Thirak said, a growl in his voice. I bared my teeth in response. Thirak didn't know what I had gone through. He didn't know anything about me! He might be on my side, but that doesn't mean I'll trust him. He had given me no reasons to trust him.

"We have nowhere else to go," Azrael growled, effectively stopping the argument. "A possibility is better than nothing." I shot a look at Thirak who looked like he was going to argue before nodding in agreement. "Right then, Seeryath you know where we're going?"

"Yes. We're actually quite lucky – the wolf pack's territory is nearby. They live in the forest to the west," I said.

"That's a lot of ground to cover," Azrael said with a frown.

"Once they smell our scent, they'll find us," I explained. "It won't be too hard to find them. Shall we leave now?"

I watched as Thirak shifted, form changing from dragon to human easily; dark skin taking the place of golden scales, but his eyes remained the same haunting colour as always. "Let's go," he said softly, and I lowered myself to allow him onto my back. It felt strange, awkward, but I ignored how uncomfortable it was and followed Azrael as he took flight, leading us through a tunnel to escape the hidden valley.

I hoped that the wolves would be able to help us.


The wolves found us surprisingly quickly. Fenris was the one to greet us, ears pricked forward. I reached out with my mind, dropping my head so I could meet the wolf's eyes. Greetings, I murmured to the wolf.

Greetings, Embers-On-Wind, Fenris replied. Why are you here?

We escaped, I said, our chains, and found another dragon. We are searching for allies, for a way to fight back. We have little strength by ourselves. We need something greater.

Fenris gazed at me, intelligent due to magic, and perhaps he saw something I didn't, for he tilted his head before dipping it in a nod. We will help you, he decided. We cannot do much nor can you right now, but we lend our paw to you in your fight. We will come when you need it. However, this will fulfil our debt and place you in ours.

I understand. Anything you can do to help us – we will be grateful no matter what comes.

There is a place, Fenris said slowly, and something helped us with who we are now, what we are now. Perhaps they can help you. It will... surprise you, but they may aid you.

Where do we go? I asked.

Follow my pack-mate, Fenris decided before howling loudly. Once he had finished calling his pack-mate, he said, I cannot leave my pack alone. But you can trust Shadow-Of-Moon to lead you to safety.

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