Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Minutes turned into hours. Sitting in silence with Jay was a lot less comforting than it previously had been. The two of you seemed to have a silent agreement to keep quiet about the topic. Instead, you both silently watched whatever came on the TV. Your head turned to the window as a tapping wrenched your heart and made you involuntarily choke. You smacked Jay and felt him tense along with you as an all too familiar figure to Jay stood with a pipe in his hand. "Y/N," Jay mumbled and stood up. "Who's that?!" You cut him off as you followed his lead. He swallowed. "Hoodie." The figure seemed to smirk at Jay for properly addressing him.

He wasn't here to be friends obviously; that being said, he began to methodically tap his pipe against the window. You watched in horror as he continued; his demonic gaze never leaving yours as he seemed to be directly aiming his assault at you. He seemed to smirk as Jay snatched your hand and dragged you to a back room where he yanked a pistol from a drawer. "That door won't hold for long; so I need you to get ready to run." Your heart stopped as the banging started up.

The furious slamming seemed like a bomb; ticking and ready to go off at any second. You backed into the wall the second the door came down. Your hands quickly grasping the window as you lifted it up and started to get through. "Oh Y/N...~" His rustic and static tone filled your head as he came running through the house. The second he came to the room you and Jay had been in and opened the door; Jay fired a shot and caused him to jerk back. "Where did they go?..." Jay didn't answer.

You bolted through the snow and ran to where ever. In your coat aimlessly dangled your pup that you had found outside after Hoodie had broken the front door. That's when you heard it. The crunching of snow. Not from behind you but in front of you. You stared up and locked eyes with the almost black pits. Your pace faltered until you heard the sound of footsteps quickly pacing up behind you. Not far away was a pipe wielding Hoodie. So now, you were stuck dealing with the mystery twins. Great.

Your body tensed as Masky wrapped his arms around your waist. He didn't say anything but just glared as Hoodie drew closer. Almost like a ghost you seemed to float back against him. He smirked at you just a little but then narrowed his eyes as he locked eyes with Hoodie. "Oh wow, yah know... I left the woods so I didn't have to deal with you. Funny little voice changer you got there did you get it for like a dollar?" Masky taunted while his grip on you tightened. The tiny bell on the collar you wore because of; yours truly, jingled.

Hoodie walked closer and Masky started to grow far more possessive and... We'll just go with protective; over you. "It's cute... Boss is going to love tearing this one apart. You've got a good eye for fighters-" Masky cut him off, a series of chuckles coming from his body and shaking you. 'Am I even going to get out alive?..' you thought.

"Yeah, funny story Hoodie," Masky's tone dropped as he held you tightly. "They're not for him, and you're not going take them. At least not unless you want to keep fucking breathin'... So as much as I love this reunion I think it's time for you to go."

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