Chapter Three

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The morning; 2:00 A.M to be exact, came with the scent of cigarette smoke that seemed to twist and curl around your body making you gag. The scent of the noxious fumes suffocated you as you stared at your agape window. Down on the sill, you could see the buds that were once lit and popped against the lips of the unknown. It made you shake seeing the muddy tracks that seemed to just stain your carpet as a dark reminder, they were in your room.

You lay still in your bed and listened to the eerie quiet. Your heart began rocketing in your head a million miles an hour. You kept your breathing steady and shallow as you tried to listen to the sounds of silence. Then, you heard it. Raspy breathing. You could feel your stomach drop like cement as they shuffled to your bedside causing your breathing to hitch.

That did it.
You felt a hand wrap around your mouth. As your eyes squeezed shut you screamed out in terror as they pressed harder, sweat pouring off of your skin like crystal pellets that shattered on impact as you kicked and thrashed. Your nails ripped into their wrists as you continued to try fighting off your pursuer. They let out a muffled growl as they threw you back and lowered their hands to your throat. They were strong, but they made one mistake.

With the adrenaline pumping through your veins and with a persistence to live to see daybreak you snatched the lamp from its stand on the bedside table and smashed it over your attackers head. A loud hiss and sprawl of agonize-dipped words came from behind the pallid mask. You scuttled off of your bed and as you stood they fled out of the window.

Your breathing hitched as you teared up. "I almost fucking died." You said aloud as you began hysterically crying. You dropped to your knees as they gave out and you curled against the edge of your bed. You held yourself tightly as your body rocked from the gasps for air; all the while accidentally smearing the intruders ruby droplets over your face when wiping your eyes.

You had gained enough composure to lock your window and shove some heavy objects in front. You shook out of the rush that left your body before racing to the bathroom to vomit. Your body couldn't seem to handle the stress and you had just about lost the meal you had hours before. Regaining your thoughts you cleaned your mess and stared in the mirror. Blood coated your cheeks in disarrayed streaks where you had wiped your fearful tears.

In the end, you could feel your body rock as you struggled to your room. You had also noticed the slowly appearing bruises that seemed to brand your skin where the person had grabbed. Their hands had squeezed so hard they must have popped the most important of blood vessels. Your body went rigid and still. "What am I going to tell my fucking dad?.." You stared at the muddy tracks that were really there on your carpet, they looked heavy, like boots.

This person would have gotten as messy as possible when killing you. The paleness in your face getting paler as a heavy pounding came from behind the window. You swore they were going to break the glass, you could see the window shutter with every slam. This person was persistent! You rammed more heavy objects into the window and screamed for your dad.

He was the only one who could save you from this realistic nightmare. The only one who could really protect you. You were just a small framed individual that wasn't at all suited for combat. You never thought you would see the light flash so quickly before your eyes. The adrenaline soon kicking back up as you raced around barricading the entries. You only paused when you realized the pounding had stopped.

It was over. You prayed it was anyways. You again fell crumpled on the floor, letting out panicked shallow breaths as you stayed awake for the rest of the night, too afraid to fall back asleep out of fear you'd never wake up again.

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