Chapter Thirty-Two

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You cradled Sparky in your arms as Masky hummed outside of your door. You knew what he was here for. You knew that he knew you and Tim were now together, you also knew he wasn't going to be happy about it. He was probably thinking about how to get rid of you right now. You considered jumping out the window like he had many times before, but you knew you wouldn't get too far from him. He was much more athletic and equipt for the demonic cold that hissed at your window.

You felt a lump in your throat as you pulled on the baggiest pair of clothes you owned, anything that would make sexual advances useless at least. You adjusted your sweater and set Sparky onto your bed; Masky pushed into the room after you gave the okay and put his arms around you into a forceful embrace. You had no choice but to comply with his actions and just closed your eyes. Whatever he planned to do to you would have been very shortlived since you took notice of the headlights that were outside and in your once vacant driveway.

Masky noticed too and let his arms fall loosely to his sides in an almost poetic fashion. He said nothing whilst he took to the window and scrambled out like a cockroach caught in plain sight. Tim was right, he was like an infection. The man who once stood before you wasn't even a man, he was a monster in a man's clothing. You decided to call Tim but he never picked up. You decided to just go make some dinner and call it a night. Afterall, you had school tomorrow and couldn't risk losing another night of sleep.

You walked down the stairs and to the kitchen where you then dug into the depts of the fridge. You managed to assemble things to make a lovely spaghetti dinner for you and your father who just watched from the couch; you flashed him a smile and began prepping the noodles and beginning to cook up the meat.

You sat wide awake and staring off at the ceiling. Your dad had gone to bed hours before and that left you and Sparky- well, actually Sparky was asleep too. So, that just left you awake and alone. You glanced over at the window and stood up. You couldn't help but hop out into the balcony and just stare down at the snow that hit your body in a rhythmic and comforting fashion; you heard the shuffling below and rose a brow when you were embraced.

Masky held you by your waist from behind and rested his tired head against your neck with a sigh. With a maternal instinct kicking in you began to gently smooth and comb your fingers through the dark locks. They looked almost black in the night sky when you turned to face him. You shut your eyes and let your breathing soften when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. "Now lovely," he began softly. "It's far too cold to be out here right now."

You nodded and allowed him to carry you back into the warmth of your room without a struggle. He didn't argue either when you pulled him into the bed and wrapped his shivering body into the unused fuzzy blankets that you just used for company. Company, that never really came around anymore. You shook your head and just laid against him in your bed with a gentle sigh. "Who are you?" You asked softly while dragging your fingers against his arm.

"Who are you really?"

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