Chapter Five

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With your dad gone still and your only true security being the many amounts of furniture pushed against your doors and windows; every sound made your blood turn to ice and your heart trumpet like a raging stampede.

The clock read 6:45 A.M.
You skipped school today, which was fine, but you couldn't skip forever. Who's to say the masked person wouldn't be back again; or if they even left? You could swear that every ten minutes a faint, if not, almost dead silent tapping would persist against the glass haven that separated you from the outside.

The only problem now was; you seemed to be growing fond of it. The synchronized taps; they seemed to put you in a trance as sleep soon began trying to take over. Your eyes began to flutter shut as your body resisted and betrayed you. "Dammit..." You managed to mumble out in your tired haze. Again; the tapping started up. This time much more frequent and soft.

It continued like gentle calls to aid you in the search for a sweet slumber that you so desperately craved.  You fell victim to rest moments after the tapping ceased.  In the background, you could swear you heard a faint sigh before the sound of footsteps faded away into the early morning.


You awoke two hours later to your dad's warm and welcoming face. His hands gently rocking you out of your rest as you sighed. This alerted him you had been taken from your gentle dreamland before he stared at the chaos in your room.
"The hell happened in here?.." He mumbled while looking at you.
"Did someone break in?... You alright?"

His questions brought back the memories of hours before as you nodded. "Y... Yeah, I broke the lamp and... Well, I might need to go get my neck checked out.." You motioned to the tender and still fresh marks that layered against your skin. Your father, although angry about the lamp and the stains of blood and soil on the carpet, nodded as he inspected them.

"They try choking you out or somethin'?" He asked as his fingers ran against the wounds delicately. You nodded and swallowed hard. "The bastard almost killed me if I hadn't used that lamp to knock them off. I hope they have a concussion.." You snapped softly. You were angry but you were more traumatized than angry. Even if you could do it again you'd probably cry out instead.

Your dad simply nodded. "The best thing we can do is put ice on the bruising, that and bolt up the windows and doors better." You agreed and walked downstairs. To your amazement, gentle clouds of vanilla white crystal began to ascend from the sky and caress the surface of grass warmly. With each glow of the sun hitting the dazzling clouds, tiny bursts of color seemed to rocket out.

You continued to stare in admiration before turning your attention back to the fridge and pulling out some ice. You were crafty, to say the least; you yanked out a zip bag; some paper towel, and of course: the ice. Putting it together you made a tiny makeshift ice-pack.  You pressed the chilly apparatus against your throat and walked into the living room where your dad had taken a seat with his eyes blankly staring at the ceiling.

"To be honest; I wouldn't believe you if I hadn't seen some guy hanging around outside like a drunk loon awhile before I left. Thought I scared him off, but I guess not." You flashed a small but helpless smile. "It's no big deal dad... I'm fine and—" He cut you off. "Your mother would have my damn head if she found out you almost died last night." You just fell silent and listened to his senseless rambling.

You couldn't help but shake your head along and eventually head upstairs to clean the mess; well... Whatever you could clean. Your attention was drawn to a note, however. The note was stuck to your window with a slim piece of tape. Your nerves turned to ice as your blood ran cold. The words on the note etched into your brain and made you start hyperventilating.

In bold red stains read;

"You look so vulnerable when you're sleeping."

Yandere! Masky x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant