forgive | E I G H T E E N

Start from the beginning

I went back to were the rest was and they were all gathered right now. I "What was he saying?"jimin asked "hmm?" I said while turning my gaze to jimin "minhyuk.. what did he said to you?" He said "umm nothing he just apologized for that day that he startled me"I said and he nodded

"Where are we heading to?"haneul said
"To the arcades!"hoseok said

At the arcades , we played a lot and had fun
We rode a roller coaster ,every two in a car
Before the ride started jimin got out a necklace from his pocket that has the same j&S that we had on our shoes and the ride started.

After that we all went home,packed our suitcases and went to sleep.

At the early morning every one come at taehyung's home and we had breakfast together and then went to school. I wore a white loose croptop and black skirt.

We went to the school and rode the bus and slowly .. I drifted to sleep

Jimin's POV

When we first rode the bus, sarang immediately drifted to sleep.. she looked cute uwuu, I really do love her.. I'm thankful for her existence ..

After an hour sarang woke up and we started to play games.. when we were about to arrive,
"Let's play ga-wi ba-Wi bo and the loser will cook for us"sarang said while smiling (ga-wi ba-wi bo is the korean Rock Paper Scissors )
"Gai bai bo,gai bai bo ,gai bai bo, gai bai bo,gai bai bo... AYYYYY!"we all said in sync except for sarang who just lost lol.
Sarang now is the one who is gonna cook hehe

When we went there.. we were in two big bedrooms taehyung,jungkook,jimin,hoseok,minhyuk in a room and sarang,haneul,eunha,areum,Irene in a Room .

Sarang's POV

Irene is a friend of areum too,which means that she's our friend but for minhyuk.. i don't know how will they treat him..

I considered that I will tell jimin.. but not the part that he confessed..this will mess up a lot of things ..

I went to the boys room and knocked on the door while looking at the ground.. when the door opened "jimi- ah minhyuk, Hey .. can you tell jimin I wanted to talk.. I'll be waiting here"I said , he nodded and within a few seconds the door opened once more revealing jimin "jimin I wanted to talk to you, please listen to me carefully and understand me.. don't bother or do anything for minhyuk, it's not like I'm being defensive or in his no, no I swear to god it's not like this..but, he apologized for me.. he apologized for making me afraid of him,for making me angry and for any harsh word he ever said .. so let's give him a second chance,like I did with his sister.. I mean god forgives us, who are we to not forgive?.."I said .. his gaze met mine and then he smiled making me releaved..

"I forgive him.. but remember it's only a second chance , there will not be more! I'm repeating again there will not be more!"he said "yes, sir" I said while bowing and then I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and left.

We all gathered in one room and eat our breakfast which I made.. after that the boys went to their room that we can change into our swimsuits .. I found out that I forgot my 1 piece swimsuit so I'll just wear the 2 bikini pieces.
And I wore a loose black tshirt that's long enough to cover my booty until we arrive at the beach, did my hair as a messy bun.
"How do you have a very flat stomach?" Irene said .. I looked at haneul and we laughed
"Work hard for what you want Irene"I said while smiling  and with that we were all ready we went outside our room and found the boys..

Jimin approached me saying "you look cute"
" oh am I? Lol" I said "yeah, you are" a voice said making me and jimin turn our heads only to find it minhyuk .. jimin gave him glares "I didn't m-mean it in a-anyway dongsaeng yeah right! dongsaeng my sister is cute you know.. we all.. do ..know" he said making jimin look at me and then we burst in laughing.

We rode bikes to the beach because it wasn't that far to go in a car and wasn't that near to go foot.. of course .. jimin was riding 'our' bike..

When we first arrived we got excited a lot because of the beach view and pure color!
I started getting my shirt off and was about to run when jimin held my wrists making me stop
" with what you are wearing.. I need to protect you.."he said making me laugh while getting his shirt off too and then I dragged him with me to the beach .. we played and splashed and had fun , we really had fun and then we went to a pool that has tall slides.

"Yah guys, let's all slide down this*he said pointing to the tallest slide in pairs or quarters" taehyung said and then we did it! I rode with jimin..he was infront of me and I'm like having a piggyback ride but we are sitting .."I like this!!!!!" I said to jimin who was sliding infront of me "and I like youu!!!"he said and I smiled from ear to ear while tightening my back hug grip on him..

We went to another pool that has no slides and the boys didn't went to the water they were sitting on the chase lounges.

We were 'the girls' in the pool .. I was playing underwater and came up while I was coming up my hair went to both sides.. and then I saw a waitress sitting beside jimin's leg at the end of the  chase lounge and he was sleeping .. I put my hands infront of me and raised me up..  didn't care to put a towel around my body or anything , all I cared for now what is this weirdo doing to my man..

"Excuse me.. may I know what are you doing her beside my sleeping 'boyfriend'??!"i said angrily and I could feel that the rest were looking at me..
"Oh..I'm sorry I didn't know that he had a girlfriend"she said while moving strands of her hair behind her ear and then left
" and if he didn't have one you would hit on someone you don't know?" I said while looking at her but she didn't hear me and then I heard giggling sounds I looked to jimin and found him laughing "were you awake all that time?!"I said while hitting him "no , only when you came"he sat up "were you jealous ?" He said " why would I?.. I'm going back to the pool " I said and he laughed. I went to the pool and slipped before jumping in the pool.. I closed my eyes knowing that I'll land on the ground hard but in another way, I felt like someone was holding me , one hand on my back reaching my stomach and one hand on my thighs.. I was uncomfortable tho .. I opened one eyes and immediately got out of those hands, minhyuk's ones.. I looked at jimin and found him beside me .. I smiled to them awkwardly and jumped into the pool .

We had a lot of fun.. every day we did something new.. on the last day we did safari and at night .. now there will be fireworks.. we were watching it all together and then someone tapped my shoulders I looked to my side only to feel something soft against my lips.. jimin's lips.. he kissed me.. I froze for a second and then kissed him back.. "let's promise that we will be each other forever.. and won't ever be each other never.. promise?"
Jimin said getting his pinky finger up.. I intertwined my finger with his "promise!"

End of POV.

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