Abeautiful promise | S E V E N T E E N

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Sarang's POV

I woke up early to find new and luckily for me I looked for a lot but I got accepted in a place to wash dishes, stood in cashier at a convineice store,babysitter at an orphanage.. it's a lot but soon the next semester will come and I'll have to quit one job at least ..

i started with the cashier job first..some people were absolutely kind and leaving tips and that and some people were extremely rude,like someone throw the money on my face.. it made me angry but I didn't do anything.. my manager said 'costumers are always right' so I had to shut up my frick frack mouth if I don't want trouble and , of course I don't want trouble on my first day and there were also people who were drunk or very weird..I should be careful tho...

The next job was washing dishes in a very fancy restaurant that I don't know its name but it seems like it's famous.. the costumers are quite a lot.. i washed a lot today..I'm totally exhausted ..I washed a large tray that have stages of plate over it.. when I finished it, a girl came throwing another tray like the one I just finished :).. I sighed but I had to do it anyway.

The third job was babysitting.. I like babies tho.. I had fun.. I really sympathize orphans..they are really pathetic ..I'm afraid that once I'll be an orphan too.

I went home and showered.. it was a tiring day.. working from 5 in the morning is extremely hard.. but guess who do this? Me :)
After I showered eunha dried my hair and curled the ends and I didn't want to put a lot of makeup since I like my natural look more, I just put on some transparent lip gloss and with that I was ready to go.
Just when jimin entered the room "hurry u- oh .. ehem.. sarang you l-look pretty"jimin said and I chuckled "and you look handsome too..look I wore our shoes!"I said excited "oh me too!.. I think we are kind of matching in everything!..we are goals.. I meant b-bestfriends goals.. why am I stuttering?"
Jimin said making me laugh but it saddens
Me at the same time ..

Jimin and I have been going out to our hideout a lot nowadays.. we were practicing the song together.. it's going to be today,before the exams.. there will be a winner from each class and those winners will go to jeju island after the exams for a week free.

Currently..I'm with jimin and taehyung and eunha in the car..going to the school .. I curled my hair a bit .. wore a dress that looks like this

Since I wore the shoes that me and jimin bought together that has a little j&S on the side And jimin wore a white chimise tucked in a black pants with the same shoes

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Since I wore the shoes that me and jimin bought together that has a little j&S on the side And jimin wore a white chimise tucked in a black pants with the same shoes.. so we were kind of .. matching..

We kept talking until we arrived .. we got out of the car and another car arrived revealing
Jungkook ,haneul, areum, hoseok
"Ohh!! You are matching guys!!"they all said in union making me and jimin face palm..

We entered the school and everybody was looking at us.. I didn't know why and then a boy I don't know approached me saying "hey,you are beautiful" i didn't know him so I just looked at the rest and awkwardly laugh "thank you , I guess ?" I said and then he looked in the ground and smiled at me and left ..

Promise||EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora