little secret hideout | N I N E

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Sarang's POV

After work I got back home really tired..
"Sarang..start packing your things .. we are leaving within three days"mom said
"I won't do it now .. I'm really tired"I said and she understood me and I went to sleep

I woke up the next morning and my body felt exhausted from yesterday's hard work .. I got ready and I was going to text Han when I found her leaving a message for me already "I have a class earlier so don't wait for me"
I mouthed and O and went out of the house .. I looked for my bike but I didn't found it.. and then I remembered that I left it in school and came with jimin! Aishh what I'm going to do!
And then I heard a car's beep beep! I looked to it and the person put the glasses down and it was jimin "get in! You're gonna be late."
I got in and closed my eyes and rested my head
"Tired from yesterday?"he said , I turned my head to face him and opened my eyes "don't want to do this for today and tomorrow and and and.."I said
"Fighting my little splendi!"he said making me smile.. we kept talking until we reached school.."thank you chimmyyy"I said and was about to walk until he said "let's go to class together " I looked at him and nodded while smiling.

Lee miyeon's POV

I got to class earlier than anyone..
And poured some little super sticky glue on the newbie's chair
"I can tell" I heard minhyuk's voice
"Seriously,what's been going on with you!'re supposed to be on my side!"
"I'll be on your side if you're right"he said
"What's wrong with you!!! Lol.. you always bully girls with me and annoy people with me..what's with you now?"
I said while scoffing .. "but .. that girl .. I don't wanna bully her.. I just wanna annoy her and piss her off."he said
"Too late.. I already poured it all.. don't you dare touch that chair!"I said and he got his hands up in the air and I got out of the class.

Jimin's POV

We entered class together and forsure everybody eyes were focusing on us.. seriously what's up with them.. what's with that look?
The class went boring.. as usual..when the bell rang I was watching sarang while getting my jacket from my bag and sarang stood up and all of the class laughed .. when she got up I heated a crack sound .. that crack sound was .. her skirt .. it was ripped .. but I quickly got up and put my jacket around her waist .. hopefully no one could see anything thank god .. after that I held her hand and got out of the class and went to the rooftop .. when we sat on the bench.. she started crying.. I hugged her and tried to comfort her "it's okay.. don't cry.. I'm here okay?".. she got out of my hug and removed her tears and said "let's skip school"
"Let's go to a forest".. " I don't want to feel like I'm in town for at least few hours..let's go to a forest and build a house on a tree.. and this will be our little secret hide out.. is it okay?.. jimin?"She said and I didn't notice that I was staring at her while smiling.. "yeah,let's do this.. as long as it will keep you happy.. let's do it"I held her hand and ran out of school "let's go with my bike,I'll ride it halfway.. and the other halfway is for you" I nodded and she rides it first and I stood at the back and then we changed so now she's the one at the back.. "let's go see the place first and then come back to get some supplies.. I have seen it in a movie before.. it's my favorite"she said "really? What it's name?" I asked and she was happy and smiling "bridge to terabethia, but..there's always a bad ending huh!"
She said the last part while her smile fading slowly away "yah sarang," I stopped the bike and turned around "let's promise each other, that we'll always stay by each other side no matter what..pinky promise?"I said making her smile come back again "pinky promise.."
"Chimmyyy, I love you!"
"Me too"

Sarang's POV

I was  really sad at the inside but I tried to heal myself up.. I'm not fully healed but a part of me is.. not because of me.. it's because I have him.. I don't know what will would happen if he wasn't in my life.. I think I know the true love now ..

When we got to the forest there was a small river like in the movie and a tree as a bridge
"So first thing to make it look like the movie is, we will get a rope and tie it very well so we can pass while swinging on the rope do you got me?"I said
"Isn't that dangerous sarang?"jimin said
"Danger is fun!" And then I walked on the tree bridge with my hand beside me keeping my balance..and jimin following me behind
And then there was a large tree that has large stem that we can build a small house on it
"And here , we need some wood, some nails.. some box equipments and some painting..ahh! Look .. there's floor already with wood !"I said
"This is going to be about this? We go now to get everything and finish it all!"jimin said "I'm totally in!!!"i said
And then we went to get the things we need and came back after four hours we were done except for the paintings but we decided that we'll do it another day "hmmm that was really tiring!.."jimin said "yeahh..that there's something that we totally forgot" I said "oh! The song project!.. don't worry since we have our place we will go every day after your work to hangout and we will work on the song too" Jimin said "but-" "No buts.. I'm not talking your opinion .. i'm saying what's gonna happen in the upcoming days"jimin said
I gave up and smiled .. we talked for a little time and then I remembered my job so I had to go and I dropped jimin off and went to my job
In the shift**
"Girl where did you go at school?.. the whole school was talking about you and jimin.. since that incidence that happened he took you and no one saw both of you since then!"haneul said
"Nothing we were just hanging out"
And then I talked to her about my sadness and she healed another part two.

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