"It seems that An yiniang underestimates me. That Prime Minister An also underestimates me!" Lan You Nian knew that these people weren't sought out by An yiniang. They were sent by Feng nation's left prime minister, Prime Minister An. It seems that An yiniang couldn't bear it anymore and had her family help out. Lan You Nian self-reflected for a moment, has she recently been too annoying?

When those people in black appeared in You Nian Pavilion, Lan Feng appeared. You Nian Pavilion's guards also appeared. They uniformly blocked off the men in black in the courtyard as to not allow the assassins to disturb young miss's rest.

Maybe the men in black didn't think that they would be discovered so soon. After all, the prime minister said that it was just a delicate and incompetent young miss of the manor. But the surrounding guards that appeared at this moment and that woman standing in the distance, how could this be the subordinates of a young miss of the boudoir.

Once face to face, the guards of You Nian Pavilion charged forward. However, Lan Feng just stood there watching but did not make a move. The guards of You Nian Pavilion may not be as good at martial arts, but after all, they were all men who have been on the battlefield with Lan Jian Jun. Their strikes were fast and ruthless. Every move had the stance of exerting their utmost strength. Looking at those men in black, the martial arts wasn't very good and had unsteady hearts. After receiving one hit after the other, already more than half of them were injured while You Nian Pavilion's guards became more energetic the more they fought.

Perhaps it was because such a meaningless fight made Lan You Nian bored, she elegantly yawned, "Lan Feng, end this quickly! Also, don't break the courtyard!"

When Lan Feng heard her family's young miss's instructions, she jumped into the middle of the fight in an instant. The sword brandished through the air with sparks flying. Everywhere it went laid a dead body. Zhang Lin and others were dazed looking at Lan Feng, or to say, looking at Lan Feng's skill at killing. Then they were emitting worship!

"Too weak!" After finishing the last person, Lan Feng wiped off the blood on her sword and said with contempt. In fact, these people's martial arts was too incompetent. They cannot be compared to them shadow guards. If it were not young miss's instructions, she would be too lazy to make a move.

Zhang Lin and others were ashamed as they watched Lan You Nian slowly coming down from the pavilion tower. Lan Feng's comment of too weak made this group of men distressed. After all, they were older than Lan Feng. More so, they were men, but their martial arts were not as good as a woman's. There was indeed a bit of embarrassed panic.

"Good martial arts and skills are earned mainly due to hard work and practice. You are already very good!" Lan You Nian discerned these fifteen people's self-inferiority. Since they were her own guards, Lan You Nian gave some words of consolation. She didn't lie. These people were much better than the usual guards of official families.

"Zhang Lin, pick out an ugly head and cut it off. Give it to An yiniang. Remember to make it pretty!" Lan You Nian glanced over the bodies in the courtyard, then seemed to think of something. Her eyes flashed with a flash with interest and gave orders.

When Lan You Nian had already fallen asleep, the guards in the courtyard, half of them cleaned up the bodies, the other half were looking for the ugliest assassin. After searching for a long time, they finally found an assassin who couldn't bear to be looked at. Zhang Lin cut down the assassin's head with one swipe of his sword. Then remembering young miss said to make it pretty, it's already like this, how can it be made pretty? Zhang Lin was very troubled.

"I know what to do," Lan Wu came to Zhang Lin's side and twittered on saying. Meanwhile, the mouths of the surrounding guards twitched, hey, you are a girl ok?

Reborn Spoiled Ming WangFei (UNEDITED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant