Chapter 29

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Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei Chapter 29


Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei


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Watching Lan manor’s carriage depart, two men came out of the shadows. These two men were just preparing to return to their manor, fourth wangye Feng Xia Qi and sixth wangye Feng Yi Xuan.

“Zeze, it really is that the heavens covet beauty. This Lan manor’s young miss’s face is ruined. I heard a palace maid from the banquet hall say that this young miss’s face is ugly like a ghost” Feng Xia Qi had some pity as he watched the carriage disappear into the night. “But even without any beauty, this girl is still so beautiful it’s stunning!”

Feng Xia Qi did not speak any lies. Even if that girl looked ugly, it couldn’t hide the aura surrounding her and those dazzling eyes. Moreover, he was not that type of superficial person. A woman’s beauty wasn’t just about looks, but about her inner temperament. Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the appearance was, there is always one day it will wilt.

“Noisy!” Feng Yi Xuan was very dissatisfied with royal older brother’s admiration of that girl, inexplicably displeased.

Feng Xia Qi’s first reaction was to roll up his sleeves and teach this younger brother a lesson, but reconsidering the gap between their martial arts, he silently dropped his sleeves, endured it!

“This time you return to Jing, the Empress will definitely make a move again. You should be careful!” Feng Xia Qi sobered up and said seriously. In these years, the Empress’s faction’s attack on the two brothers has never stopped. Although in the Empress’s eyes, he was hateful, she spent some thought on dealing with him, but now that younger brother is back, the Empress will definitely focus on dealing with younger brother. After all, the military power in Feng Yi Xuan’s hands was too great, the threat to the Empress’s faction was too great.

“It’s nothing. Royal brother, you must protect yourself better. Your martial arts is too weak!” Feng Yi Xuan said with a cold face and a cold voice.

The words were clearly concerned, but as Feng Xia Qi listened, his blue veins popped out. This younger brother of his, the appearance was unparalleled, the means and strategy were also rare in the world, but this ice-cold personality was really unpleasant. He didn’t know if anyone in this world could melt this iceberg.

Reborn Spoiled Ming WangFei (UNEDITED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz