Chapter 27

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Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei Chapter 27


Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei


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The music of the musical instruments was endless, during the feast, wine flowed freely, the conversations were jubilant, overflowing with joy. However, people with discerning eyes can all tell that everyone was bored, between each other were merely polite and perfunctory. True, the songs and dances were peaceful, but these were so frequently displayed in the royal palace, it unsurprising that it made people feel agitated.

“This war’s great victory, sixth prince Ming wang, and General Lan were indispensable!” Emperor Feng Xuan raised the golden wine cup, looked satisfactorily down at sixth wangye Ming wang and Lan Jian Jun.

Feng Yi Xuan and Lan Jian Jun rose, Feng Yi Xuan without any trace of affection drank the wine in the cup. While Lan Jian Jun respectfully picked up the wine cup and bowed drinking the wine.

“This official does not dare to take credit, this time we were able to return victoriously, relied completely on Ming wang’s astuteness!” Lan Jian Jun gave a bow. He was simply an honest man, this time they could return with victory, was indeed Ming wang’s merit, if they did not have Ming wang’s strategy, if he wanted to win, it might be very difficult.

“Haha, it turns out that Xuan’er is so formidable, worthy of being my son!” Emperor Feng Xuan said jovially. No matter who it was, towards other people’s praise about his own son, he was very delighted.

“However, General Lan does not have to be too modest. Heard General Lan’s son is also a young hero, don’t know which one is General Lan’s son?” Emperor Feng Xuan asked. As an emperor, he was very pleased with Lan family, loyal but not overstepping.

“Answering the Emperor, it is this official!” Lan Mo Xian stood up and saluted. The image of temperate sunlight seemed unable to match the image of heroically killing the enemy on the battlefield.

“Not bad!” Emperor glanced at Lan Mo Xian “General Lan, you have a good son, sure enough, a tiger father will not beget a dog son!” Clearly, the Emperor was very pleased with Lan Mo Xian.

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