Chapter 39

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Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei Chapter 39


Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei


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“Move, this seat is bought by this young master!” from the more bustling than usual large hall came an unbelievably arrogant voice’s reproach.

“This young master, I have reserved this seat by paying a deposit. It doesn’t matter how much money it is, I will not give this seat up,” One man’s warm but firm voice responded.

“Do you know who I am? You dare contend with me? Let me tell you, today, whether you want to or not, you will give up this seat!” the arrogant man grabbed the collar of the man sitting in the seat near the front.

“This young master, please let go. Today, I am here for Miss Miao Yin’s song. Request this young master, please do not be unreasonable!” the man who was treated rudely was clearly angry.

“Hmph! Why don’t you look at your own wretched appearance! Even you are worthy of coming to Zhen Wei Pavilion to listen to Miss Miao Yin perform?” The arrogant man stretched out a fist prepared to strike.

Lan You Nian, who had just finished changing clothes and was walking onto the stage of bead curtains, frowned and looked at the uproar below the stage. The arrogant man was dressed in a first-quality ice-blue silk. On his hands were a few exaggeratedly colored, quality thumb rings. The vile smile on the corners of the mouth was very contemptuous.

Meanwhile, the man whose collar was being tightly clenched by him was dressed in clothes that showed some signs of fading. His hair was bundled up with a simple bamboo hairpin. His figure wasn’t tall, even was a little on the thin side, but what was rare was that his back was like a poplar tree, similarly containing the strength of perseverance.

When the arrogant man’s fist was only separated from that delicate man’s face by a palm’s distance, Zhen Wei Pavilion’s steward promptly intercepted it. The usually even-tempered brings wealth steward’s expression was glacial. After all, today the master came here but there were actually people who dared to cause trouble. Isn’t this making him lose face? Moreover, they couldn’t stand those type of people who used their power to abuse others. Everyone in Zhen Wei Pavilion was treated equally. If you wanted to hit, wanted to fight, then you’ll have to get out of Zhen Wei Pavilion before even thinking about it.

Reborn Spoiled Ming WangFei (UNEDITED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant