skz 💙 dead pt 1

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bc my last few were all cute and fuzzy, you almost / did die !! writing out of two parts because it got too long — festive
Words: 1200
Genre: angst / deals with heavy shit ( trigger warning )
~ 💙 ~


- your blood was everywhere
- one single drunk dumbass was enough to take you away from him
- he woke up in the hospital, strapped to an IV, immediately thinking of your happy smile as you promised to take him out
- Y/N: you always spoil me !! lemme take you somewhere nice tonight
- neither of you arrived
- his mind was filled with everything you'd ever done for him
- the countless number of songs he wrote for you now give another, much sadder meaning
- every " i can't be without you " now were proven to be true
- he didn't do well at first
- he threw away many songs and stopped music for a few months
- the other members couldn't say anything
- you were like a parent to them
- and now you were gone
- he never once raised his voice to the members
- it was like it was always broken and fragile
- everyone just let him stay in his shell
- he was getting through it though, right ?
- his way of cooping wasn't healthy
- he cleaned his entire dorm, throwing everything that reminded him about you into a box in his room
- he kept it closed most of the time, only opening when he really needed to be reminded of you
- he wore the promise rings he bought for you on your birthday around his neck
- he's gotten much better now
- he had to be, to lead the team
- it took time, and therapy for him to get to the point where he could watch a smiling couple, and not want to break down and cry
- he promised himself he'd stay alive for you, because you'd want him to
- he'd never forget you


- he couldn't face anyone.
- not when he completely ignored the signs
- he saw the bruises on your arms and torso
- he saw how people treated you like shit
- Woojin knew you were being mistreated
- and he'd been trying to help, he was getting a restraining order and was ready to fight
- he even punched a guy
- but he wasn't quick enough
- when he got the phone call to come identify who you were
- it nearly broke him
- he hadnt been informed that you were dead, but only that he needed to identify your body
- he came to check it out, and seeing your body, cold and turning between a blue to a pale white
- oh my god he lost it
- he couldn't do this anymore
- not without you
- not without his number one love
- he openly admitted he wasn't doing well
- everyone tried to help him
- he had a psychiatrist and they always tried to make sure he was comfortable
- but he never was
- he could just be the same happy virus he was
- not without you, it felt wrong
-  he had to tear himself apart to understand why this was happening to him
- at some point he had to give himself up
- he had to get over it
- he kept thinking about how you'd call him an idiot for mopping around
- how you'd joke that you'd never go out with him if you saw him being an emo little shit
- those thoughts of you being his precious angel really saved him
- he still thanks you every night for bringing so much joy to his life


- wow he didn't do well
- nothing went well for him
- he stopped dancing and lost a lot of weight
- he wouldn't eat, or really sleep
- but in public he acted like everything was fine
- he had a job to keep up his image as a stray kids member
- he couldn't jeopardize everything everyone worked so hard for
- everything you'd wanted him to have was now his, but it didn't feel right without you there to celebrate as well
- his members saw the change, but what were they supposed to do ?
- they couldn't even get over the fact that you were just gone like that
- they all excepted him to come back with you in his arms
- and a big goofy grin plastered on both of your faces as you told him it was just a prank
- it felt surreal when he came in and you weren't anywhere to be found, and he just looked at the ground and quietly whispered the news
- you'd been killed after a gun accidentally went off in the store
- he refused to speak about it
- it got so bad at one point, even if a person had a similar name or looked like you, he couldn't be there and would walk out
- multiple times did he try to restart dancing
- but all of his movements were sharp and lacked accuracy
- he hurt himself so many times trying to perfect a dance and ending up having a breakdown, crying on the cold tiled flooring
- he couldn't live like this
- it wasn't him to live his life without you
- but he couldn't go on knowing your body was no longer on this Earth to make him smile
- he had to talk to someone, and so he talked to you
- he would give you monthly reports about his recovery without you, and started taking care of succulents
- if they were well after the monthly report, he knew you were happy for him
- if not, he knew he had to keep working harder
- it was like your soul had become the world around him, and he cherished it


- anger issues he was unaware he had started to bubble up
- he got into arguments with the members a lot
- the used to be flirty boy now felt empty because his muse was killed on accident, ingesting something you were allergic too unaware that it was in your food
- he had warned you not to go there without checking the menu and asking for no ( allergy ) in your food
- and he knew you'd ask, because you weren't that stupid
- but they still served you your allergy, and your throat closed up before you could react
- you'd died shortly after reaching the hospital
- you weren't an idiot, so he could only blame the restaurant
- and they were at fault
- they'd mixed your order up with a woman who ordered the exact same thing, just with ( allergy )
- and because of this simple, stupid mixup, you were dead
- he sued the shit out of the restaurant
- but part of him felt empty
- was he really getting revenge ?
- if you were alive, if nothing major had happened and you'd just gotten a little extra ketchup instead of something that would kill you, you'd probably shrug it off
- Y/N: there's nothing wrong with it, they tried their best
- and he knew you wouldnt be angry
- but by God, the situation was different
- they killed you
- and he was furious
- the restaurant finally closed
- and, while it still felt wrong, he started a small cafe
- because all you ever wanted to do was settle down with him and run a cafe where he could do live music
- and every song was dedicated to you

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