chan 💙 bossy

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Chan as your boss
another oneshot before I start on my reactions and imagines again
Genre: fluff
Words: 1360
~ 💙 ~

"Sir, someone's here to see you," You informed your boss, sitting down your paperwork on his desk for him to check after he was done with his meeting.

"Miss Kim? Send her in," Chan glanced at you for a moment through his eyelashes before taking a look at your paperwork. "You did excellent, as usual, but.. Would you mind staying a bit overtime? I need your help with the statistics of the stock markets we're invested in, since the company seems to be losing a bit of money and I'm not completely sure where the leak is."

You tried to keep a calm face as you nodded, "Of course, sir. I'll have the statistics printed up and turned into you before tomorrow."

You weren't even the best in mathematics, so this job was already going to be difficult.

As you walked back to your cubical, you called Miss Kim inside Chan's office, a little obviously staring at her. She was so well put together and respectable, her head was always high, and you'd heard rumors around the company that she had relations with your boss since she came over more than often. As if just adding to how perfect she seemed, she was absolutely beautiful.

Everytime you saw her you felt a little pang of jealousy and envy in your heart, although you knew it was wrong of you.

"You're staring at the boss's office door again," your coworker snapped you out of your trance, giving you a small smile. "I believe you should get over him. He and Miss Kim are definitely an item."

Here we go again..

You sat down in your chair, opening a fresh new spreadsheet on your computer. "I'm not into him in the first place. We're nothing more than a boss and his employee."

"But you want to be more, I know you, Y/N."

You made a face, glad that he couldn't see through walls. "No you don't, Jaemin. You don't even know my favorite color."

Jaemin was silent for a minute, "Well, it doesn't matter. It's obvious to everyone that you have a thing for Mr. Young CEO Christopher Bang. And if it's obvious for the people who don't know you, how obvious do you think it to the boss? He probably ignores your advances on purpose."

"Thanks for the hype up, man. Now please leave me alone," you rolled your eyes, putting in your earbuds in, although they technically weren't allowed. This wasn't even the first time you'd heard that speech; you practically knew it by heart by now.

You worked on your last minute assignment, going on past the time to go home.

"Thank you for your visit, Miss Kim," you heard Chan's voice, and a door shutting behind them as two figures walked towards the exit. "I'm almost regretful that this will be your final visit, but I thank you for everything once again."

"Yes of course," the artificial note in her voice wasn't even attempted to be masked, "You have such a nice office to talk in, too."

You peered over your cubicle walls, trying to see what was happening as he pressed the button for the elevator for her. Miss Kim firmly shook his hand and left in the elevator. He stayed there for a moment until the door closed, then he turned and went into his office.

Through the small window, you could see him sitting back down at his desk, his computer screen on and illuminating the paperwork in front of him. Chan rolled up his sleeves and began to work on God knows what.

He was probably the hardest worker, but sometimes his work took precedence over his health. He stayed late nights most of the night, working on all of the things that kept the company running smoothly. You glanced at the half finished spreadsheet, determined to finish before he went home.

Pulling down your hair from the ponytail you usually put it in, you got yourself comfortable for a long night in the office. You removed your Cardigan sweater and unbuttoned the first of your white dress shirt, focused on equations you weren't even sure you even understood.

Two hours passed by just like that and you noticed how Chan's computer turned off from its battery saving settings. Printing the spreadsheets, you clipped them together and slowly moved towards his office.

You gave a knock, and when there was no answer, you let yourself in, thinking he was just too busy to answer you.

Chan's sleeping form was slumped over his desk, his black pen still in his hand. You cracked a smile at the scene, sitting the spreadsheet on his desk, using a sticky note to mark it so he knew you finished.

You turned to leave when you spotted the little blanket on the back of a couch currently occupied by books and broken printers. Taking the brown wool blanket from the back of the couch, you covered up Chan's form, figuring you'd just let him sleep and go home. Your fingertips lingered on his shoulder for a moment longer than they should've and you knew immediately you really did have feelings for your boss.

You checked your watch, reading  the time. "11:11, huh.." You figured it wouldn't hurt to make a wish, since there was nothing to lose from it.

You were reaching for the doorknob when you heard Chan's voice.

"What did you wish for, Y/N?"

You turned to Chan, a slight pink tint on your face. "Uhm, a ride home, sir. And a new coworker."

"You can't ask for two things, you know. But why do you want a new coworker?"

"Because.." You didn't want to particularly tell him Jaemin was harrassing you for your feelings towards him. "One of them has been rather.. Rude with their words lately, sir."

"Jeong Jaemin?" Chan guessed right on his first time, "He will be moved if he's causing my best employee trouble. What's he been saying?"

You blushed in embarrassment and shook your head. "Some, uhm, rather private information he tends to abuse the knowledge of."

Chan nodded, asking you no more. You couldn't read his expression, but you were pretty sure he wasn't in his best state.

"Sir," You started carefully, pulling up the blanket to rest over his shoulder. "You should go home and rest. I finished the spreadsheet, sir, and I'm more than capable of spending all night finishing up here."

Chan stood up, holding the blanket in his arms. "I wouldn't allow you to work so hard by yourself. Didn't you say you needed a ride home? I'm sure I can drop you off at your place, provided you allow me."

"Of course, sir. That'd be wonderful."

You scratched behind your ear, leading him to your cubicle so you could gather your things.

"Oh, Y/N," Chan spoke up suddenly. It's far after work hours, there's no need to keep referring to me as 'sir'. Call me Chan after hours, if you will."

"Chan?" You repeated, trying not to smile as you turned off your computer and held onto your cardigan. "That's a cute nickname. Where did you get it?"

"My high school friends called me that. I've grown fond of it."

You followed him outside without any more questions asked, sleepiness washing over your body. "How late is it, Chan?"

"If I told you, you probably would fall asleep standing up."

You laughed, riding the elevator down to his car. "You're probably right. I'll try not fall asleep on the ride home."

"That would be bad. Then I'd have no way to ask you to coffee tomorrow."

You glanced at him, your hand on the car door handle. "I'm sorry, what?"

Chan smiled at you through the glass of the car. "Would you like to get some coffee with me tomorrow? You're entitled to say no, if you don't want to."

"Of course I'll go on a date with you, Chan."

Ohh Jaemin would never hear the end of it from you.

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