seungmin 💙 boyfriend

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yall already know the deal
im glad everyone's getting used to how random my shit is
Genre: fluff / bf au
Words: 672
~ 💙 ~

💙 Seungmin

- he's so soft ?
- like he's literally head over heels for you
- if you breathed today, you're already beating everyone else in the world
- he's your top hyper
- even if you're hyping up your b in your science class, he's there right with you and bouncing up and down on the bed
- the other members get annoyed by how much he talks about you
- but he cant help it ??
- Minnie just loves you so much :((((
- and sometimes if you're sick he'll freak out and call Chan
- and even when you're sick you can hear the worry in his voice
- SM: she doesn't want the chicken noodle soup ?? do i just... force feed her ?
- okay so sometimes he doesn't always know what's best
- he is a kid after all, and a playful one at that
- sometimes he's going to make mistakes or take things to extremes
- Y/N: no don't force feed me just like I'll eat it later
- SM, squinting his eyes: I don't trust it, chan..
- Y/N: did you just call me an "it"? you rude little twerp
- SM: what happened to you being sick ?? hmm ???
- SM: if you're well enough to argue with me then you're well enough to eat.
- his satirical nonsense always manages to keep you amused
- but probably your favorite thing he does when he's trying to keep your spirits up is singing
- particularly Day6 songs and sometimes other kpop groups
- sometimes he sings you a song of your choice, but usually he messes those up on purpose just to fuck with you
- he once did the hook to seventeen's song "space" and by God it was amazing
- you were sitting there just amazed by how wonderful and blessful this boys voice was
- wowza okay maybe you're just as hooked for him as he was for you
- you found yourself talking about him to your friends and trying to bring him home because you just knew your family would love him
- sometimes he does have a tight schedule, and he usually video calls you or at least leaves a two minute message about how much he misses you
- so whenever he doesn't its usually a whole problem and you worry for hours
- what you didn't know was that he'd come home early and was baking with your momma
- you came home, a nervous and worried mess, to the smell of vanilla cake wafting around the rooms of your small but comfortable home
- and you looked around for a little to find your mom and thank her
- and stuffed in between the fridge and sink was Seungmin, poorly hidden and laughing, giving himself away
- you ran up and hugged him, excitedly squealing
- it'd been a week since you'd seen him and let's be honest you were a mother hen for this boy
- he held onto you tightly and smiled, kissing your face every where
- SM: how was my stupid dummy without me?
- Y/N: this stupid dummy was absolutely terrible without her dumbass boyfriend. he should never leave her side ever again unless he wants her to actually die.
- And as the cherry on top, you went limp in his arms, pretending to be dead
- he freaked out, literally trying to pick you up and run to your mom
- he was barely able to lift you off the ground before he fell forward and you erupting into laughter
- Y/N: you're so weak, Seunggie !!
- SM: and you're not easy to pick up, Kim Y/N
- Y/N: hah jokes on you in Korea the woman doesn't take the man's last name
- SM: we'll go to America to get married
- Y/N: I want to get married here
- your mom was just standing in the doorway videoing you two the entire time
- y'all are actually couple goals omfg

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