Chapter 18

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Spottedleaf was licking her paws until they sparkled with the white trees and floor. She looked into the pool and saw Fireheart and Sandstorm press against each other, staring at Bluestar's body in despair.
Spottedleaf squinted at the two mates. Spottedleaf was happy that Fireheart was going to be leader, but she probably won't be giving him a life.
At the corner of her eye, she saw Goosefeather pad up to Spottedleaf. "This annoying furrball again?" she thought, rolling her eyes.
Goosefeather sat beside her. "Painful, isn't it? It's too bad you had to kill Thistleclaw and become a medicine cat. You might still be alive. You might even be mates to Fireheart." Goosefeather mewed.
Spottedleaf didn't turn to look at him, though her eyes were surprised. "Does he pity me?" she thought. She shook that thought away. Of course he doesn't pity her! He punished her because she killed two toms that were breaking the warrior code!
"What do you want, mange-pelt?" Spottedleaf growled.
Goosefeather was silent for a moment, as if he was reluctant to say what he needed to tell her.
"Spit it out." she hissed, still not turning to him.
Goosefeather sighed. "You're going to be one of the cats to give Fireheart his nine lives." Goosefeather mewed. He winced at the end, like he regretted saying that.
Finally, Spottedleaf turned her head to face him, surprise and happiness in her amber eyes.
"Really?" she mewed. "Do you think I would lie, mousebrain? Of course you're going to give him one of his nine lives! You're one of the cats that played and important part of his life." Goosefeather growled.
Spottedleaf felt overjoyed. She looked back down to Fireheart. A warm glow spread through her body.
"Uh, you're welcome for telling you?" Goosefeather mewed.
Immediately, the warm glow faded. "As if I would thank you for ruining my life." she growled as she walked away.
Starclan cats waited, watching the pool as Fireheart and Cinderpelt walked to the Moonstone.
Excitement tingled under Spottedleaf's paws. She was so honoured and happy to give a life to the new leader and the love of her life.
Finally, after what seemed forever, Fireheart and Cinderpelt were walking down the Mothermouth. They reached the Moonstone. The two cats said something to each other before Fireheart touched his nose to the stone and fell asleep.
The Starclan cats turned around. After a few moments, Fireheart appeared. He looked around, confused, until he saw the Starclan cats. The nine cats, including Spottedleaf, walked forward.
"Welcome to Starclan." Bluestar mewed, eyes filled with pride as she looked at her apprentice.
"It's great to be here. It's great to see all of you again." Fireheart purred. The nine cats dipped their heads.
Lionheart was first to walk up to Fireheart.
"Oh, Lionheart, I'm so sorry we didn't arrive on time to save you." Fireheart mewed, voice filled with regret.
"Do not blame yourself, my friend. It was my time to go. And besides, this is the night of your nine lives. Don't rot it with regret." Lionheart mewed gently.
Lionheart touched his nose to Fireheart's head. "With this life, I give you courage." he mewed.
Suddenly, Fireheart flinched, he groaned a little. Spottedleaf paws trembled, but she stayed where she was.
"Don't worry, my love. The pain will be over soon." she thought.
Fireheart gasped as Lionheart pulled away. Green eyes and green eyes met for a moment.
"Please use my life well." Lionheart mewed. Fireheart nodded. "I will." he mewed. Lionheart purred, eyes filled with warmth as the golden tom padded away.
Next was Redtail as he pad up to Fireheart. At first, Fireheart looked confused for a moment, then suddenly lit up. "You're Redtail, aren't you?" he mewed.
"Yep! And I want to say thank you. You made me feel free since you spoke the truth of Tigerstar." Redtail purred.
Redtail touched his head to Fireheart's head. "With this life, I give you justice." he mewed.
Again, Fireheart flinched, eyes dark with pain. Spottedleaf looked away. She couldn't bear to see him in pain.
Finally, Fireheart's groaning stopped as Redtail pulled away and Fireheart started panting. "Sorry. Lives can be painful to gain. But it will be over soon." he purred. Redtail pranced away. Spottedleaf purred. Redtail lost non of his energy in Starclan. Pride swelled inside Spottedleaf for her brother.
Silverstream was next as she pad up to Fireheart. "I'm sorry you had to leave so soon. You could have watched your kits with Graystripe and love and care for them." Fireheart mewed, voice filled with despair.
"I do watch over them. All of them. I still love Graystripe with all my heart. And I'm very happy with his choices." Silverstream purred.
She touched Fireheart's head with her nose. "With this life, I give you loyalty to know what's right." she mewed.
This time, Fireheart didn't flinched and instead, his eyes closed and purring. Spottedleaf felt relief rush through her pelt. "It must be a pleasant life then." she thought.
Silverstream pulled away. She looked into his eyes for a moment. "Tell Graystripe I love him and our kits." Silverstream mewed. Fireheart licked her head. "Of course." he mewed. Silverstream purred with affection as she padded back.
Runningwind was next as the light brown tabby padded to Fireheart.
"I'm-" Fireheart started to say. But Runningwind raised his tail for him to be silent before he could finish his sentence.
"No need to apologize. My death wasn't you're fault." he purred.
"With this life, I give you energy." he mewed.
Again, Fireheart didn't flinch as his eyes were filled with excitement and purring happily. Spottedleaf purred with amusement.
Runningwind pulled away. "Say hi to Mousefur for me." he purred as he walked away.
Next was Brindleface as she padded up to him. "Thank you for leaving me to care for Cloudtail. I'm going to miss him..." Brindleface mewed, her eyes filled sorrow for a moment.
"With this life, I give you protection." she mewed.
Apparently, this life wasn't gentle as Fireheart flinched and groaned again. He stopped as Brindleface pulled away. She padded back.
Swiftpaw took her place. "I'm sorry." Fireheart mewed.
"No, don't be. My death wasn't anyone's fault but mine. I was foolish. I thought that if I killed the dogs, then I could prove to Bluestar that I could be a warrior. But I was wrong. It cost my life and it almost got Lostface killed. It's my fault she had that injury. Now I have to live on with that guilt..." Swiftpaw mewed, eyes full of regret and sorrow.
"Swiftpaw..." Fireheart mewed. Swiftpaw shook himself. "No, it's fine. This is your night. I shouldn't be saying stuff like that to spoil it for you." Swiftpaw mewed, smiling. He touched his nose to his head.
"With this life, I give you mentoring. Use it well, especially with Bramblepaw." he mewed.
Fireheart flinched and winced in pain again. He panted as Swiftpaw pulled away. "Tell Lostface I'm sorry." he mewed gently as he walked away.
Yellowfang was next as she pad up to Fireheart. Fireheart's eyes were filled with sorrow and affection as soon as she pad up to him.
"Oh, Yellowfang, I'm so sorry you had to be left behind in that fire." he mewed. "It's fine, mousebrain! Honestly, are you going to apologize to every cat here?" Yellowfang snapped though she was purring and her eyes were filled with humour.
Fireheart was purring, too. "I missed your humour, Yellowfang." he purred. "I would be surprised if you didn't." Yellowfang purred.
She touched her nose to his head. "With this life, I give you compassion." she mewed.
Fireheart closed his eyes, though Spottedleaf saw his claws flex with pain. Spottedleaf purred. Yellowfang was like a mother to Fireheart, so of course he would be calm gaining her life.
Yellowfang pulled away. "You're very brave, Fireheart. Say hi to Cinderpelt for me and that she better stop be thinking about the past!" Yellowfang purred. Fireheart purred with amusement as Yellowfang walked away.
"I'm next." Spottedleaf realized. Heart pounding, she started padding to Fireheart. His eyes were filled with love and affection as soon as he saw her.
"Spottedleaf..." he whispered. Spottedleaf looked into his eyes. "He's so handsome." she thought. She pressed her muzzle to his.
"With this life, I give you love." Spottedleaf mewed. She concentrated on passing on her warmth and love to him as he started purring.
She had to pull away, but she looked into Fireheart's green eyes. "Please don't be upset with me for choosing Sandstorm." he mewed.
Spottedleaf purred with love and affection as she licked his cheek. "I wouldn't be upset with you, my love." she purred. She walked away, though her heart was screaming her to turn back to him and press against him.
The last cat was Bluestar as she padded to Fireheart.
"Bluestar." he mewed, his mew filled with happiness. Bluestar started purring.
"My warrior, my apprentice, my deputy. Welcome. I knew you be Thunderclan leader one day. And you know, you've always felt like a son to me." Bluestar purred.
"You and Yellowfang were like mothers to me." Fireheart mewed. Bluestar laughed a little. "Of course." she purred. She touched her nose to his muzzle.
"With this life, I give you nobility with certainty and faith." Bluestar mewed.
Fireheart flinched. Spottedleaf saw his claws clenching the ground in absolute pain. Spottedleaf could understand why this was the last life, because Fireheart started yowling in pain.
Fireheart gasped and panted. "I know it was painful. Trust me, I know." Bluestar mewed, amusement in her mew for a moment. "I now give you your new name, Firestar. You have recieved your nine lives. Use them all well in defending and leading your Clan. I'm proud of you, Firestar." Bluestar purred.
"Firestar! Firestar!" the Starclan cats started chanting. Bluestar, Yellowfang, and Spottedleaf were the loudest. Firestar looked around the nine cats, eyes filled with love and affection.
Suddenly, the clearing went dark and a pile of bones appeared behind Firestar. Spottedleaf looked around in alarm. "Are they really showing the vision to Firestar?" Spottedleaf thought. Spottedleaf remembered before the ceremony that the Starclan cats talked about showing a sign to Firestar, but Spottedleaf didn't know they were sending this!
"Something terrible will happen, Firestar. Four will become two. Lion and tiger will meet in battle, and blood will run through the forest and Clans." Bluestar mewed urgently to Firestar.
Firestar's eyes were wide with alarm as he faded away. Spottedleaf looked down at the pool and saw him wake up.
Spottedleaf started growling. "Who sent the sign?!" she yowled.
"I did."
She turned around and saw Goosefeather. "Of course he did it!" Spottedleaf thought.
"Why did you send the sign?!" Spottedleaf growled.
"He had to see it sooner or later. His ceremony was a perfect opportunity." Goosefeather mewed.
"A perfect opportunity for what? To get him scared? To make him alarmed? This night was his and you ruined it with that sign! You put more burdens on him! You should have let me send him the sign tomorrow night!" Spottedleaf growled.
"There's no time to waste. A battle is coming. And we want the barrier between living and dead still standing, right?" Goosefeather mewed, raising his eyebrows at the last part.
Spottedleaf bristled. She had recently visited Firestar in his dreams, but she wasn't really aware of there being a boundary.
"What does the boundary do?" Spottedleaf mewed. "It makes sure that the dead keep living the way we do without disturbing the living and probably causing a war between living and dead." Goosefeather mewed.
Spottedleaf looked away from him and into the pool. "What if it was broken?" she mewed. "Then the dead will go down to the living. The Dark Forest will likely cause trouble, which is why the barrier is there. It prevents the dead to harm the living." Goosefeather mewed.
Spottedleaf drank in the information. "A war, you say?" she mewed. He didn't reply. In the corner of her eye, he saw him walk away.
Spottedleaf looked over to the Thunderclan camp. She looked at Sandstorm. She was pacing.
Spottedleaf looked up. "A war between living and dead." she thought. She smirked and licked her lips. "I think I might have a plan to see Sandstorm suffer." she thought, purring.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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