Chapter 8

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Spottedpaw was outside the camp. Featherwhisker told her to gather some herbs. The herbs she gathered were in her mouth. She sniffed for a herb, but instead scented Thrushpelt's scent. She smiled. "A perfect opportunity to kill him." she thought.
She dropped her herbs in a hidden place and followed Thrushpelt's scent. She saw him hunting alone. "Perfect." she thought.
Spottedpaw padded up to him. "Hello, Trushpelt." she mewed. Thrushpelt jumped a little and sighed with relief. "Oh. It's just you." he mewed.
Spottedpaw padded to his side and pressed against him. "I just wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday. I was angry because my very close friend has died, so I took my anger out on you." Spottedpaw mewed.
"No, you were right. I was a mouse-dung. I could not always get over the fact that Bluefur doesn't belong to me." he mewed. He rubbed his muzzle on her head. "I should be apologizing to you. Because, after all these moons, I was focused on my love for Bluefur..." he mewed. He pulled away and looked deep into Spottedpaw's eyes. "When my love should've been you."
"But I'm a medicine cat apprentice. You know I can't be mates with you." Spottedpaw mewed.
"It'll be our little secret." Thrushpelt purred. He pressed against her and twined tails with her.
Spottedpaw pretended to purr. She lapped his cheek. She put her paw on his chest. She sighed. "I'm sorry, Thrushpelt..." she whispered.
"What do you-" he started to mew. He got cut off as Spottedpaw jumped on him, exposing his belly.
"Your words still mean nothing to me. You valued me less than mouse-dung. It's too late to go lovey-dovey with me now. I will get my revenge." Spottedpaw purred.
"But you can't kill me! It's against the warrior code!" Thrushpelt mewed.
"Ha! Seems funny, because a minute ago, you asked me to be your mate, even though it's against the warrior code. How is this any different?" Spottedpaw hissed.
"Because killing a cat is the most dishonourable thing a warrior could do!" he hissed.
"But I'm not a warrior, so I can kill whoever, whenever. Goodbye." Spottedpaw purred before she clawed his throat. His mouth started to gurgle from the blood.
Spottedpaw started licking her paw. She put him on her back and she padded to camp. She whipped up fake tears as she fell to the ground. Featherwhisker and Sunstar saw and ran up to her.
"Spottedpaw? What happened?" Featherwhisker mewed.
"Th-the Riverclan patrol showed up again. Th-they killed him. They had no reason to kill him, so they killed him for sport!" Spottedpaw lied.
She heard a growling deep inside Sunstar's throat. "They have is killed two of our warriors, one for Sunningrocks, and one for sport. Today, Riverclan has asked for a war. And they shall get one!" Sunstar growled.

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