Chapter 7

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The Clan gathered around Thistleclaw's body, giving him silent vigil.
Spottedpaw padded up to his body and lied down. She laid her muzzle on his body. She didn't feel sadness, but joy.
Spottedpaw felt free from the burdens from her shoulders. She smirked a little.
"I must prevent from anyone finding out I killed him." she thought, her smile disappearing.
She stood up and padded to the medicine den. She saw Featherwhisker, the medicine cat, sort herbs.
"Featherwhisker?" Spottedpaw mewed gently. Featherwhisker turned around. He smiled. "Hi, Spottedpaw. What do you need?" he purred.
"Actually, it's not what I need. It's what YOU need." Spottedpaw mewed. Featherwhisker tilted his head in confusion.
"The fight with the Riverclan patrol. I...I just stood there and watched them kill Thistleclaw. There was nothing I could do to help. But I want to change that now before anyone gets hurt." Spottedpaw lied. Featherwhisker nodded, motioning her to continue.
"I...uh...want to be your apprentice." Spottedpaw mewed. Featherwhisker smiled kindly. "It's about time someone would be interested in healing! Of course you can be my apprentice!" he purred.
"Great! When do I start learning?" Spottedpaw mewed. "Tomorrow. You should get some rest. It must have been a long day for you. But first, tell Sunstar and Thrushpelt you're my new apprentice." Featherwhisker mewed.
Spottedpaw nodded and padded outside to Sunstar. He saw her walking up to him as he turned around. "Yes?" he mewed.
"I just wanna let you know I'm going to be Featherwhisker's apprentice." Spottedpaw mewed.
Sunstar smiled. "That's great!" he purred. But his smile quickly turned into a frown as he looked at Thistleclaw's body.
"Riverclan has gone too far this time. They have killed one of our warriors, and if we do not take action, they will kill more of us." Sunstar growled.
Spottedpaw rolled her eyes. "Maybe you should talk about this to your deputy." she mewed bitterly.
Sunstar turned back to her. He chuckled. "Sorry. I ramble a lot. Anyway, you should go tell Thrushpelt about your new path." he mewed.
Spottedpaw nodded. "With pleasure." she mewed before padding to Thrushpelt.
"I'm going to be Featherwhisker's apprentice." Spottedpaw mewed.
"Uh-huh. Cool." he mewed, staring at Bluefur.
Annoyance sparked inside Spottedpaw. "That means I'm free of you. You're not my burden anymore." she growled.
"Nice." Thrushpelt mewed.
"And I killed Thistleclaw." she hissed.
Spottedpaw started to growl. "And I'm glad you're not my mentor anymore, because you were horrible! I'll pity the next apprentice you'll mentor!" Spottedpaw yowled. Thrushpelt turned his head to Spottedpaw with surprise.
"Wait, Spottedpaw, I'm sorry..." Thrushpelt mewed.
"'I'm sorry! I'm sorry'" Spottedpaw mocked Thrushpelt. "Your words mean nothing to me now, mouse-dung!" Spottedpaw hissed. She stomped away before he could say anything else.
She looked back to Trushpelt. She smirked. "Since I'm a medicine cat apprentice, I can kill whoever I want without anyone suspecting anything." she thought with an evil smile.

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