Chapter Six : Into Eternity

Start from the beginning

Peter had then went back sitting down slowly and kept to himself. He folded his arms then had glanced at me "That hurt" he said after a few moments of silence.

"She may be pregnant , but man can she kick ass physically and verbially" Gamora had said as the group nodded except for Peter of course.

Loki's P.O.V

My how stubborn I was to let Ava come a fight with us.

I am well aware that she can take care of herself, but she can't really keep all of us safe. With the Forst Giant's , she had saved all of our behinds once or twice.  She however had gotten in trouble for going to Joutenhiem just a bit more by Odin.

He however was most angry with Thor, it was clear that he was by the way he had silenced him when Ava tried to defend him. If she was any closer to him, she would have gotten smacked across her face.

We had went back after everything and the arguement that was caused by my mischiff. I had everyone at the time think that Thor was to blame for everything. I even had Ava think that way, the most difficult to fool.

Thor was banished , I found out what I really was, Odin had fell into the Odin's sleep and I had became stand by king.

But I was planning to become the true king and to prove to Odin that I should have became king.

When I had told Ava that I wasn't asgardain, we were under the blankets in my chamber. Sounds rather a odd place for a confession, but that's when I decided to speak to her about it. It also didn't really help since we were almost completely naked.

"Lady,Ava daughter of Taneleer..."

"Loki, it's just Ava" She breathed warmly with a grin on her face. I think she was starting to get tired being called that.

"I appoligise, " I placed my hand on her cheekbones ." I am not normal,"

"I know that Loki, your a prince from Asgard"  she thought outloud.

"Jotenhiem, that's what I am. I am a Jotun" I correct her causing a short silence between two of us. She wasn't saddened , just shocked over what I said. Her eyes looked to my chest then glanced back up at me with her brown eyes.

"Then can I see your real face then?" She said softly.

I didn't feel a physical chance on my body at all, but her reaction changed when she had seen my body on what it really was. She had slid her head out of my grasp then placed her hands on my face staring into what I really was.

"I am a monster" I said. " Shouldn't you be scared?"

She shaken her head "No, your perfect"

A gentle but firm touch had grasped my neck that moment . I had opened my eyes the same moment I had gasped for air. The gasp was as if I had risen from water. The eyes that were staring at me belonged to Ronan. Black eyes almost like death itself.

"Loki," He growled with a chuckled under his breath " I should have known when you faked your death ,again. Then that letter that I recieved from you saying that I couldn't marry Ava. "

"Ronan, surprised that you made it past my guards. Why would you even want her ? She isn't Cree" I pointed out.

"And she isn't Asgardain"

"Fair point," I admit.

He slowly loosened his grip on my neck then had taken a step back away from me to study my odd clothing that I worn. It was white and a robe in some ways. He had taken the nerve to take me on right now, I had pulled myself up then had turned to him again.

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now