Chapter 14 "Shopping...Cuz We're Gurlz"

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*Lilah's POV*

Today is dress shopping day! I never liked dresses, but for some reason, I was really excited for this.

"Let's go!" I heard Talia yell as she walked down the stairs of her apartment with her wallet and phone in hand.

"Alright, alright. Calm down." I said.

We hopped in her car and were off to the mall.

We arrived at our first destination and they had nice dresses, but none for me. Talia ended up picking a short navy blue strapless dress that had black lace going across the back and down the sides. She decided to get new black converse to match.

We went to about three other stores before Talia spoke up.

"Lilah! You gotta look at this one!" She yelled half way across the store. I quickly walked over and saw the most beautiful dress in the world. It was a knee length turquoise dress that had one strap with a silver belt to tie around my waist. It wasn't that exciting but it was the perfect one. Talia and I decided to get me a pair of black converse with turquoise laces to match the dress.

We were about to leave until I saw a hair salon.

"Hey Tal, what do you think of getting our hair done now? Like we can curl and straighten it on our own, but what about dye?" I asked like a child in a candy store.

"Good idea!" Let's see what they'll do." She said walking towards the salon.

We signed in and soon enough, we were both called over. We sat next to each other to talk about other things we still need to do.

"So what are you going for?" My hair stylist asked.

"Anything. You can dye it, bleach it, change my fringe, cut bangs, anything. Just make it look nice for prom please." I said.

"Okay. What color is your dress?" she asked.


"I have the perfect idea!" she said, running to the back. When she came out, she was holding a cup of black dye.

"Your black is sort of faded, so I'm just gonna touch up on it then we'll get started!"

About an hour later, She gave me a mirror to examine her work. I gasped when I saw it. She had given me side bangs and layers, darker black hair, and turquoise ends.

" god...your beautiful!" I heard Talia scream from the sink where her hair was being washed.


"I love it. Thank you so much!" I said paying the hairstylist and gave her a good tip.

A few minutes later, after sitting on a bench in the mall, Talia walked out with a hood on.

"Let me see! Let me see!" I yelled at her, tugging at her hood.

She slowly pulled off her hood and revealed her new hair.

I screeched with excitement when I saw it.

"O EM GEE! ITS BOOTIFUL!" I yelled in the mall, earning a few stares.

She revealed her dark red hair with black ends.

"Thanks. Now let's get back, its getting late." she said. We began making our journey back to the car. We put our dresses in the trunk and closed it to get inside.

Soon enough, we were back at my house.

"Thanks for a fun day girl!" Talia said, hugging me and handing me my dress.

"Yep! Next week we should get our nails done." I said as I returned her hug. We both said our goodbyes and she went to her car and I went inside.

"Spence?" I heard Brendon yell from upstairs.

"Nope. Its Lilah!" I yelled back. I could hear his feet running down the stairs to greet me. He stopped in his tacks when he saw me.

"Woah. Your hair...its so cool!"

"Thanks! Where's Dall and Spence? I wanna show them!" I said.

"Dallon's upstairs and Spence isn't here." he replied.

"Oh okay. I'll show him tomorrow. I'm gonna show Dall then I'm gonna go to bed, so g'night!" I said as I walked up the stairs.

"Night!" I heard Brendon yell back.

I made my way into my room and saw Dallon laying down half asleep. I hung my dress in my closet. I didn't bother to show him my hair right now because he looked like he was gonna pass out at any moment. I just crawled into my bed next to him and I felt his arms snake around my waist.

"I'm sorry I'm not really awake, but how was today?" He groggily asked.

"Babe. Go to sleep. I'll talk to you when you're awake." I said as I pecked him on the lips.

"Gnight. I love you." I said.

"I love you more." He said, and with that, I soon fell asleep to the sound of light snores escaping him.


Guys. I'm sorry for the late/boring chapter. It'll get more exciting. I promise. I've just been so busy lately. High school is so fun but I get so much homework every night and I have volleyball practice every night too, so I don't have that much time to write. Expect a new chapter...maybe in...3-4 days. Love you guys!


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