Chapter 12 "I Dont Know What to Call This Chapter"

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*Dallon's POV*

I woke up to no Lilah...Where could she have gone? I checked the clock and it read 6:02am. I guess I should find Lilah and tell her its time to wake up for school.

I walked down the stairs to find Spencer and Lilah sleeping together on the couch...ummm?

"Hey Spence," I said while shaking him to wake him up.

"Yeah," he barely answered.

"Ummm?" I said, gesturing to Lilah sleeping on him.

"Oh, no, nothing happened, she just couldn't fall asleep so we just hung out and she passed out." He said.

"Oh ok, well can you wake up Lilah? She needs to get ready for school." I asked.

"Yeah sure." He said and began to say her name and shake her.

"Nnnnnooooooooo..." she whined "I don't wanna go to school."

"Dude, get up. And get off of me." Spencer said.

"Ugh." She said as I started to make breakfast. She went upstairs and started getting ready.

~~Time Lapse~~

*Lilah's POV*

"7 o'clock! Dall we gotta go! I'm gonna be late!" I said as I shoved the last of my breakfast into my mouth.

I said by to Spencer and I'd text Bren later. I think he's still sleeping. We hopped in Dallon's car and we were on our way.

"C'mon c'mon c'mon!" I said to Dallon in the car. I was gonna miss the bell and get in trouble and school will be even worse.

"Okay, we're here. Calm down. You'll make it on time." Dallon reassured me as I opened the car door. I gave him a peck on the lips and I began running inside. I made it like 5 seconds before the bell rang.

"Hey Brendon's sister..." Talia joked whispering.

"Hey!" I said out of breath from running.

"Okay everyone! Be quiet! Let's begin class!" The teacher said. We all shut up and started class.

~~After Class~~

"That was hell." I said to Talia while we were switching classes to go to english class.

"Yeah I know. I almost fell asleep." She replied.

"And I hate this gigantic book we have." She said holding up her textbook.

"Same. Let's just get to class." I said.

*Spencer's POV*

~~2 Hours Later~~

I'm really nervous for Lilah. I wonder how today went. I know yesterday was not a good first day and I'm kinda bothered she called Dallon. I mean, I know they're dating, but we're best friends and I would've rushed over there to punch the bitch who did that to her.

Lilah and Dallon walked through the front door holding hands. She just came from school looking depressed again.

"Lilah! What happened today?" I asked her worriedly.

"Nothing. It just wasn't a good day." She said looking at her feet. "I'm sorry guys, but I'm going to bed.

She didn't even say hi to Brendon. "What about Brendon? He left to get stuff from the store. Don't you want to say hi or something?" I asked hoping she would say yes and stay.

"I'll talk to him later." She answered trudging upstairs.

I waited about 5 minutes in the living room with Dallon before I spoke up. "I'm gonna ho check on her." I told him, before walking upstairs. He was depressed because Lilah just ignored him when he went to pick her because of how upset she was.

"Okay dude. Good Luck." Dallon quietly said.

I opened the door to her room and just saw her laying on her bed with her eyes closed and headphones in.

"Lilah?" I asked. She opened her eyes and sat up. She reached out her arms for a hug and I obeyed. She began to quietly sob into my shoulder.

"What actually happened today?" I asked hoping she would honestly tell me.

"Just...everything. The teachers hate me. Mikayla hates me and all her friends do too. And I just don't want this year to be like my other highschool experiences back in Pennsylvania." She said.

"Maybe just do something so the teachers like you. Prove them they are wrong to hate you. And just stand up to Mikayla and her little stupid army. And things are never gonna go back to how they were. You didn't have me, or Brendon, or Dallon, and we're gonna help you through this." I said.

"Thanks but I just don't know. Maybe tomorrow will be better." She said.

"It will okay? Now c'mere." I said opening my arms for a hug again.

She crawled onto my lap and just sat there in our hug. She soon fell asleep and so did I to the sound of her quiet snoring.


Guys. I'm sorry for a crappy chapter. I had writer's block and I had a great idea, but I'm saving it for the next chapter. It'll be a time lapse a few months...but that's all I'm gonna say...

Sooo let me now what you guys think! (=^_^=)

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