Chapter 3 "Talking to Grace"

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*Lilah's POV*

"You are adopted."

I am adopted?

I'm what...

I'm not who I ever thought I was.

No. This can't be happening. This can't be true.

"Lilah...Lilah, are you okay?" My mother's words woke me up from my trance. Wait. Not my mother...just someone who raised me...

"What about my real mom and dad then?" I asked almost hyperventilating.

"Well, they live in Vegas...we agreed that they could keep in touch with me and your father to see how you were. But recently your mom decided to tell her son- your brother- that he has a sister." My mom replied.

"I have a brother!? What's his name? How old is he? Where is he? Is he still living with my mom? When can I-"

"Lilah! Relax." My mom cut me off. "We are willing to answer any questions you have if you would just calm down."

"Okay. Okay. So where is he?" I asked hoping she would know.

"He's still in Vegas...Well sometimes." She said.

"W-What do you mean sometimes?" I rudely asked.

"Well when he isn't touring he lives at his home in Vegas but-"

"Touring?!...Who is my brother?!" I asked way too excitedly. She hesitated to answer. So my dad cut in.

"Honey," he started, " Your brother- well you may know him from Panic! At The Disco...His name is Brendon." He said.

"Woah woah woah. Brendon Urie?!?! Brendon Urie is MY brother?!" I asked as if I didn't hear the first time

"Yes. He is. And we will help you reach him if you want, just let us know." Mom said as she nodded to my dad.

"Okay. Do you think you could fly him out here...I mean if its not too much trouble." I asked already knowing the answer.

"Well. Not really. Right now we are very limited with our spending. We could always call and see if he wants to come and if he does, he will just have to pay for the flight. I'm sorry." My dad said sypathetically.

"Well then, let's get started! Start dialling that number we gotta get moving!!" I said excitedly.

"Okay okay. Hand me the phone." my mom said as I gave her the phone in my room. She began dialling my real mom's number and my anxiety was getting intense.

The other line was ringing.

Oh crap! I thought. They are in a different time zone than we are. They might not answer. It is about 3am where I am so its like 1am where they are. Maybe we shouldn't have called.

Someone picked up the phone.

"Hello?" a woman with a groggily voice answered.

"Hi Grace!" My mom said. "Its the Smith's here and Lilah would like to talk to her brother." There was silence until I heard faint whimpering. She was crying...

"Lilah, this is your mother." Grace said. "Oh how I've missed you." she was still crying when I spoke up.

"Um..I don't really know you but I guessed I missed you too." I chuckled realizing what just happened.

"Well I'm sorry honey, but I'm pretty sure that Brendon is sleeping now so I think you should call back tomorrow morning. Maybe around 11am in your time zone. That would be about 9 for us." she said.

"Okay." I answered. "I'll talk to you soon...b-bye." I said as a wave of happiness took over and I hung up the phone.

"Well sorry honey but its very late so me and your father are gonna go to bed now...we love you." My mom said.

"Love you too!" I called back as they were already halfway down the hallway.

I have a brother. I kept thinking.

I have a brother!

I, Lilah Smith, am a sister to the great Brendon Urie!

I have

Why am I not with him?

Why was I given up?

Who am I really?

And that's when the wave of depression took over.


Chapter 3! sorry if it was was basically just a filler so...yeah...(=^_^=)

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