in your arms

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(famous! luke + fanboy! michael)

Michael was hopelessly, madly and completely in love with Luke Hemmings, that wasn't even the problem though. The problem was so were millions of girls were as well and Michael knew he had no chance, not only because he was a boy and he was sure Luke was into girls but also because Luke didn't even know he existed.

Michael knew it was stupid to say he was in love with a boy he'd never even met, but Michael couldn't help himself from falling for Luke. He'd watch Luke post covers of him singing on youtube for years and it just happened. Michael couldn't help that his his heart fluttered when he saw videos of Luke singing and he couldn't help the smile from forming on his face when someone mentioned Luke. He couldn't help that Luke was the only thing that made him happy.

People would tease him about it, but it didn't really bother him. Luke made him happy, and that's what mattered. He knew there was no way in hell he could ever end up with Luke, he wasn't stupid but he at least wanted to meet the boy he loved most and Michael tried to. He'd spent the last year trying to go to the hotels Luke was staying at, and he tried buying tickets for concerts but he never had any luck. He had lost all hope for ever meeting Luke. The chances of that happening seemed small, so he decided he should focus on school more for now. Well, his parents decided that but Michael couldn't really go against it.

It was now October and Luke just kept getting bigger and bigger, and Michael was seeing him everywhere. On tv, in magazines, but never in person of course. Michael was proud of him.

As the month went on, Michael's parents kept bugging him to leave the house since he was always locked up in his room. Michael would always say no, because he didn't feel like going out. He had no where to go, and no one to hangout with but his parents wouldn't listen to him when he tried to explain that, instead they gave him thirty bucks and told him to find a Halloween costume or something. Michael rolled his eyes, but did what he was told.

He left his house wearing dark skinny jeans and a band tee, he probably didn't look that great but he didn't really care. He walked down a street that he didn't know the name of, but it was busy. The sidewalk was mainly empty though, which Michael was grateful for. It seemed like Michael was the only person on the sidewalk, until some tall guy walked out of a store. Michael couldn't see his face but he swore he recognized him. He was super tall and his blonde hair was quiffed and he had big white headphones in. He looked like Luke. Michael's heart started racing. He had no idea what to do, he didn't even know if it was actually Luke.

It took Michael awhile to actually get the courage to start walking faster so he could be closer to the guy that looked like Luke. When he was finally close enough he heard the guy humming along to whatever he was listening to. Michael took a deep breath before he tapped the guys arm lightly.

The guy turned slightly to see who tapped him, and it was Luke. It was Luke Hemmings. thee Luke Hemmings. Michael's face turned bright red and he couldn't stop the smile that creeped onto his face.

Luke took his headphones out and smiled at Michael.

"you're a fan?" he asked, and Michael swore he almost fainted.

Michael nodded quickly. "a big one"

"could I um-" Michael started. "could I get a hug?" he asked nervously.

Luke nodded and wrapped his arms around Michael, and Michael felt like he was at home. He felt safe. All he ever wanted was to be in Luke's arms even if it was just for a few seconds. Michael's heart was beating so loud, Luke could probably hear it. Michael was so happy and in love that he mumbled something he instantly regretted.

"I love you Luke"

Michael heard Luke chuckle a little while they pulled away, but the chuckle didn't sound rude.

"I love you too" Luke said with a small smile and even though he didn't mean it in the same way, Michael was happy.

"could I get a quick picture please?" Michael asked, because he didn't want to leave Luke without having proof or something to look at to know that this was real and not a dream.

Luke nodded again and took Michael's phone when Michael handed it to him. Luke smiled when he saw that he was Michael's lock screen and Michael's face turned bright red. He took a photo of them smiling then another one of him kissing Michael's cheek. Maybe to be polite or maybe because he thought Michael was lovely. Michael hoped it was the second one.

When he was done taking the pictures, he handed Michael his phone back, and Michael thanked him.

"no problem" Luke grinned.

"no" Michael said. "thank you, for everything"

Luke smiled a different smile now, like he understood what Michael meant.

They stood there for a bit longer just looking at each other, before they both turned their separate ways because as much as Michael wanted to stay here forever with Luke he couldn't, he had to let Luke continue on with his life.

As Michael walked back, he looked at the pictures they took with a smile on his face. He looked horrible in all of them but he'd keep them forever and he'd always remembering that in Luke's arms was the safest place he's ever been.

A/N: hey! sorry I haven't posted in a long time, my computer has been being really weird and I haven't had much time. School starts tomorrow for me so I'll be posting less and less, and I'm really sorry. I don't really have ideas anymore. I hope your summer has been lovely. thanks for reading. x

// muke one-shots //जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें