not that bad

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Michael was certain this was the worst day of his life, not only was he stuck in the middle of nowhere on a camping trip with his school that he didn't want to be on but he also had to share a tent with Luke Hemmings. Luke fucking Hemmings. The boy he's hated since the beginning of the school year. All day he was dreading the night, cause he knew he'd have to spend time with Luke.

 It was now late, and all the students were supposed to be heading to bed soon. Michael and Luke were supposed to put the tent up together but Michael was refusing to work with him. He hated Luke, they'd never even had a real conversation with each other but he hated him. He was always too nice and cheerful and Michael absolutely hated it. Michael hated how Luke got along with everyone, and he hated how good looking Luke was and he just hated everything about Luke.

"are you sure you don't want to help? this is pretty fun" Luke asked him, with a grin.

Michael rolled his eyes. Why did Luke have to be so nice all the time? It made hating him a lot of work.

"Michael this is really hard to put up by myself can you please help?" Luke asked him, and gave him a pout.

"fine, just stop talking to me alright?" Michael told him, and got up to help.

Luke nodded and smiled. They managed to get the tent up fairly quickly and came to realize how incredibly small it was. They would be right next to each other when they slept with no space in between them. Michael wanted to leave. Luke didn't seem to mind though, as always he was being optimistic about everything and Michael wanted to slap him. Was this boy always happy?

They crawled into the tent and set up their sleeping bags.

"don't wake me up in the morning, if you do I will make your whole day tomorrow miserable, got it?" Michael told the younger boy, before getting into his sleeping bag.

"okay, good night Michael. sweet dreams" Luke told him, cheerfully as if Michael hadn't threatened him a moment before.

Michael wanted to say something rude, because this boy was so damn irritating but he kept his comments to himself and tried to fall asleep. He found it hard with all the noise coming from outside of the tent. Michael sighed, he really wanted to go home.

Michael felt something shiver beside him, he looked over and saw Luke shaking.

"are you cold?" Michael asked.

"yeah, a little" Luke told him.

"oh" Michael said, and stayed quiet for a minute. "um here" he said and unzipped his sleeping bag. He put the blanket over both of them and moved closer to Luke to warm him up.

Luke turned over and their faces were inches away. Luke was smiling at him. "thanks"

Michael nodded. 

"you know, you're not that bad of a person" Luke told him. 

"yeah?" Michael asked surprised. Shouldn't Luke hate him too ?

Luke nodded. "yeah"

"you're not that bad yourself" Michael told him, and put his arm around Luke.

Maybe this was the start of a friendship, or maybe the start of something even more.

A/N: this is another really short one and i'm sorry, but I wanted to post something cause I haven't in a few days. please continue to read, comment, and favourite.  have a great week. x :)

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