it's been

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  A/N: this mentions self harm and suicide.

It's been

-809 days since I met you

Luke would never forget the day he met Michael, that day was possibly the best and worst day of his life. Luke was walking to school, when he bumped into something. That something was actually a someone. It was a purple haired boy, with green eyes and a pretty smile. Luke quickly apologized to the boy, but he wanted to say more. The boy was intriguing, and Luke wanted to get to know him. He wanted to know everything about him, his favorite song, the way he likes his coffee, how he looks when he's focused on something. Luke wanted to know it all. But, Luke said nothing and silently stood there debating if he should just walk away or not. Luke finally worked up the courage to say something, and before he knew it, he was two classes late for school. Luke didn't mind one bit.

-748 days since you told me you were depressed

It was a Saturday, Luke remembers very well. Michael was over at his house and they were sitting on his couch watching a movie. Michael had been awfully silent for most of the day and Luke kept questioning him why but Michael would only shrug. Once the movie was over, Luke put on a tv show for them to watch. Halfway through the show, Luke heard sniffling. He turned over to look at Michael, who was now crying. Luke moved over closer to Michael and threw his arms around him. "whatever it is, it'll be okay" Luke kept whispering, as Michael cried into his shoulder. It took Michael a while, but he had finally calmed down. Without saying anything, he rolled his sweater up and showed Luke his cuts. He didn't have to say anything, Luke knew what he was trying to tell him.

-704 days since your first suicide attempt

Luke got the phone call at two in the morning from Michael's best friend Calum. At first he thought he was still asleep, having some awful nightmare. But he could hear the panic and urgency in Calum's voice and he knew this was all too real. Luke fought back tears as he quickly got out of bed and ran to Michael's house. Calum let him in when he got there, and he explained to Luke how he'd found Michael in the washroom with pills. Luke walked into the living room after he'd finished talking to Calum and saw Michael laying on the couch sleeping.  Luke sat down next to him and rubbed his back, he felt tears coming down his face and this time he let himself cry.

-682 days since you crashed your car

 It was a Sunday when it happened, it was late in the afternoon. Luke was working on some homework, but his mind kept wandering off to Michael. He hadn't heard from Michael all day, which worried him. He was always worried about Michael though. Minutes later, his phone rang. Luke quickly answered it, hoping it was Michael. It was. "Luke" Michael kept saying over and over again. He sounded distraught. "what? what's wrong?" Luke asked, panicked. "I crashed my car, I drove into the bridge Luke, It was dumb and I don't know why I did it, well I do know why. I wanted to die, but I didn't die Luke, I didn't even get badly hurt. My car is just crashed and I'm stuck here, alive. Why can't I just die Luke? I don't want to be here. I'm going crazy" Michael told him, now crying. Luke bit his lip, holding back tears. It hurt knowing Michael felt that way. Michael told him where he was and Luke was there in ten minutes. Luke took Michael home, and held him the whole night.

-641 days since your second suicide attempt

When Luke got this call from Calum, he instantly knew what it was about. Calum only called him this late when something was wrong with Michael.  It was a bit after three in the morning, and Luke felt sick when Calum told him what happened. Michael was at the bridge a few blocks away from his house. He was planning to jump. Luckily he had been stopped, but that didn't stop Luke's worry. He ran out of his house and to the bridge. Michael was wrapped under a blanket, sitting on the side of the street. Calum, and his friend Ashton were sitting by Michael. They were all silent, and they all were shaking. Luke made his way over to Michael and Calum and Ashton left so he could talk to Michael privately. But Luke couldn't talk, he had so much he wanted to tell Michael but he couldn't find the strength to say anything.  So, instead of talking, he wrapped himself under the blanket beside Michael and nuzzled his nose in Michael's neck, grabbing his hand.

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