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the three times luke was jealous and the one time he actually did something about it.

The first time Luke found himself jealous, he wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to push the girl who was flirting with Michael, but he refrained himself from doing so. If looks could kill, that girl would have been dead.

"Luke, you've been staring at them for a really long time.. is something wrong?" Calum asked him.

"what? yeah. why would something be wrong?" Luke asked him, looking away from Michael and the girl for a moment.

"well that girl's all over Michael, and you've been giving her death stares and I was just wondering what was wrong" Calum told him.

Luke sighed. "that's what's wrong! that girl is all over Michael" Luke said, anger building up.

"what's wrong with that?" Calum asked confused.

"she doesn't even know him like I- like we do I mean, she doesn't know his favourite song, or how he likes his pizza, she doesn't know anything, she doesn't deserve him" Luke told his friend, his voice getting loud.

"the girl's just flirting with him, no one said they're dating Luke" Calum said, and looked at him skeptically. "you totally like Michael, don't you?" 


"don't lie"

"okay fine I do" Luke said reluctantly. "just don't say anything, alright?"

"alright mate, but what are you going to do about that girl?" Calum asked him, looking over to that girl again. She was trying to push out her chest, and she kept blinking every two seconds. Calum rolled his eyes.

"nothing I guess" Luke said and looked at Michael, he was smiling. Luke frowned. "i'm going back in the bus, I can't watch this anymore"


The second time Luke was jealous, was at a bar. It was his first time going to one, and he was extremely nervous to use his fake ID. Michael assured him that he'd have a good night, and Luke had been having one. Until some brown haired girl came over to Michael and asked him to dance. Luke was a little upset, but it was just one dance right? wrong. They'd been dancing for over an hour.

"Luke, you really need to tell him how you feel or you're just going to keep watching stuff like this happen" Calum told him, then took a sip of his beer.

"I can't" was all Luke said.

It was silent for a bit, both of the boys didn't know what to say.

"do you think he'll take her back to the bus?" Luke asked, afraid of the answer. Luke didn't know if he could handle that.

"I don't think so, he doesn't look like he's into her.. but he's drunk so you never know" Calum told him.

Luke's heart sank. That girl didn't know Michael, she didn't know how sweet he was, or how kind he was, and she didn't love Michael. She didn't deserve to be dancing with him. Luke bit his lip, and fought the urge to cry.

"I'm sorry Luke" Calum told him, and Luke nodded. "want a drink?"

Luke shook his head. "I just want to leave"


The third time was probably the worst. This time it wasn't a girl hitting on Michael, It was Michael hitting on some girl. He'd been flirting with this girl for over fifteen minutes, and Luke really just wanted to go back into the bus and cry. Why couldn't Michael flirt with him?

"we can go back to the bus if you want" Calum whispered in Luke's ear.

Luke shook his head, as much as he wanted to go back, he also wanted to stay. He needed to make sure nothing else happened between them. He was scared that if he left, Michael and the girl would kiss or something.

"are you sure?" Calum asked him.


"he better not give her his number" Luke said quietly, to no one in particular.

"if he does, I'll slap him for you" Calum told him.

"no, I don't want him getting hurt"

"you really have it bad for him, huh?" Calum asked.

"yeah, I guess I do" Luke said and looked at Michael again. "I don't think he likes me though"

"maybe he does, you never know Luke" Calum told him and patted his shoulder.

"but-" Luke started to say but stopped when he heard the girl that Michael was talking to, laughing really loud.  He looked over at her and saw her curling her hair with her fingers, and chewing her gum obnoxiously. He rolled his eyes. Michael was amazing and all but his taste in girls, really sucked.

"I think we should leave now, I can see this is upsetting you and you shouldn't watch it. It'll just make it worse" Calum told him, and got up. "c'mon, we'll watch movies or something"

Luke got up and sighed. Maybe one day Michael would flirt with him, and not some random girl off the street.


This time started out the same as the others, but it certainly didn't end the same. Like the other times, some girl was flirting with Michael and once again Michael was flirting back. Luke sat back and watched, his heart breaking a little more. He wasn't going to do anything until Ashton came over and started talking to him.

"Michael's going to end up with one of these girls one day, unless you go there and stop it. Tell him how you feel Luke, at least if you do this, you won't have to witness some girl all over him again"

That was all Ashton said to him, but it really got to him. Michael probably would end up with one of these girls..unless he did something.

The girl was still all over Michael, and Luke had finally had enough. He got up and marched over to them.

"Luke, what's wrong? you seem mad" Michael said to him when he saw Luke.

"that's because I am" Luke said, not acknowledging the girl.

"what did I do?" Michael asked, confused. He really had no idea why Luke was mad, Michael hadn't done anything that day. He hadn't even told Luke to shut up.

"I'm mad because, all these girls flirt with you and they're all over you and you flirt back and it hurts, it really fucking hurts. I am in love with you Michael, I'm in love with you and I can't stand watching them all over you like that" Luke told him, then closed his eyes. He wasn't ready to see how Michael would react.

Luke was waiting for Michael to say something, but he was pleasantly surprised when he felt lips press against his own.

"so my plan worked then?" Michael asked, and Luke could tell he was smirking.

A/N: I don't even know what this is, I'm so tired but I wanted to upload something. thank you so much for all the reads, comments, and favourites. you're all great, ily guys. anyways, have a great week. comment and favourite, thanks. x :-)

omfg but I really want an internet best friend. we can snapchat ugly selfies, and facetime each other and rant to each other and basically just be like best friends & I'll listen to your problems, and I know I'm nothing speical and I'm basically just a sad little shit but I swear I'm funny sometimes.. so any volunteers? I'm serious guys, comment or something! I'd love to talk to any of you. ((:

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