you're cold and I burn, I guess I'll never learn (2/3)

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(read the first part before reading this one, so that this will make sense!!)

It was a little after five in the morning and the sun was just starting to come back out again when Luke finally returned to the apartment. He walked in the door, and his head was pounding. He was a bit dizzy and he felt sick. He had definitely dranken too much, but it was alright because he had managed to hook up with two girls, so he wasn't complaining. Luke stumbled onto the couch and closed his eyes, hoping to sleep off his headache.

When Luke woke up, he was sure it was late in the afternoon. His head was still pounding so he got up and walked into the kitchen to get some advil. He swallowed the pills and noticed the apartment was unusually quiet. Usually Michael would be walking around, trying to talk to him, or giving him dumb little gifts. But Luke hadn't heard a sound from anyone other than himself. He shrugged it off, because he honestly didn't really care where Michael was.

Luke hopped in the shower, getting ready for another night out. He didn't remember when he started going out all the time, or why he started drinking as much as he did. He's not exactly sure why he does what he does, but it feels good and it helps him feel alive for awhile. It helps him not feel anything and he likes that. He likes not having to care about anything. He doesn't care if he's hurting anyone, he doesn't care about anything anymore.

Luke got out of the shower, dried his hair and changed into a new shirt. He walked out and into the bedroom to get some more money from Michael's wallet but none of Michael's things were there. He was gone, he left. Luke shook his head, this couldn't actually be happening. Luke sighed, he didn't care. He wasn't going to let himself care. He didn't need Michael anyways.  He was going to drink away his problems, and meet some girls and he wasn't going to think about Michael.

When Luke got to the bar, he headed straight to where the drinks were.

 "surprise me" he told the bartender. Luke didn't really care what he drank as long as it got him drunk.

Fuck Michael for leaving. Fuck Michael for not telling him. Fuck Michael for only thinking about himself. Fuck Michael. He thought to himself, while downing his beer.

Luke quickly became drunk and all thoughts of Michael went away. He was drunk and he was going to have fun. He went over to where people were dancing and made his way over to the nearest girl  and after a few minutes, she was basically grinding on him and things started to get heated, so they ran off to the washroom and fifteen minutes later, Luke walked out with a new hickey on his neck and a paper with the girl's number in his pocket.


Luke got home early in the morning and did the same thing that he did every other day. Sleep till late in the afternoon, then shower and get ready to go out.  He tried not to think about Michael. It's not like he thought about him before he left, so why should he now? Luke suddenly got angry. Things weren't supposed to be like this. He grabbed a picture of Michael and him from a few years ago off their nightstand and smashed the frame. Why did Michael leave him? How could Michael be so cruel? How could he do that to him?

Luke stood there looking at the broken glass and suddenly started crying. It was the first time he had cried in years. He cried for hours. It felt good to finally let his feelings out. Things were so messed up and he couldn't fix anything. He had screwed everything up too much and now he had no one. He needed help.

Luke finally got up from the ground and wiped his eyes while walking over to their dresser. He went to the bottom drawer and pulled out a pamphlet for a rehab centre Michael had given him years earlier.


Months later, Luke walked in the coffee shop near his apartment. Life was pretty good for him now. He had finally gotten the help that he desperately had needed for awhile. It was hard to stop at first, he was so used to his daily routine. It was hard to stay sober and actually feel things. It was like a slap in the face from reality. But Luke was glad he decided to go. He felt better now, he felt more like his old self. He looked better too. Well, that's his family said. He was finally speaking to them again. Everything was good. Well, maybe not everything. He still wasn't talking to Michael. He hadn't seen him since he left the apartment all those months ago. Luke still thought about him everyday though, he still had things he needed to say.

Luke walked over to the counter to order his coffee. That was basically all he drank now.

As Luke made his way to a table he bumped into something, actually a someone.

"sorry" he said quietly and looked up. "Michael?"


"Michael I'm so sorry for how I was" Luke started to say.

"don't worry about it Luke, I don't hold grudges"

"I know but I'm sorry Michael, I still care about you, you know, I always have"

Michael nodded.

"so we're okay? you're not mad?"

Michael nodded again. "we're okay"

It was quiet for a moment, none of the boys knew what to say. Where would they even begin?

"friends?" Michael asked smiling, breaking the silence.

"friends" Luke nodded, smiling back.

They bumped fists before finding a table.

A/N: so some people wanted a second part to "you're cold and I burn, I guess I'll never learn" and this is it. I ended it on a happy note because I tend to write sad things and I thought you guys deserved a change. I hope you guys like this, thanks for reading. vote and comment please!! have a lovely day x :)


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