He gets through all of the instruments and it seems like most of the other kids already know how to play them.

"Sal," he calls me up to his desk, "bring your guitar," Okayyy.

I carefully grab the guitar and the amp and bring them up to him. Is he gonna show me how to use it or something?

"Okay, Sal," He turns the amp up to a pretty low setting, "do you know anything about guitars?"

"A little bit, my uncle used to own one,"

When my uncle sadly passed away, he left his guitar to my dad. We had to sell it to pay for...yeah. I've always wanted to learn how to play, though.

"So you know basic stuff then?" he starts absentmindedly plucking some notes.

I shrug, "A little bit," I pause, "I never really played it or anything,"

He stops for a second. He hands me the guitar and motions to do something.

I try to remember a tune my uncle used to play a lot. It was Creep by Radiohead. When I remember how it goes, I attempt to play it the best I can.

I hear the class go silent as I play, but I'm stuck in my own world silently humming the lyrics as I play.

I start tapping my foot along to it when the drums come in.

The music gets louder and I don't know if it's in my head but it probably is. I tend to get stuck in music a lot.

I finish out the song with me singing the lyrics softly and strumming the last note.

I come out of my little world to hear the class clapping and cheering.

I turn around quickly because I think they're being sarcastic...but they seem genuine. Was I really that good?

"When you said than you never played, I didn't think you meant that you've played a lot before, dang," Mark tells me, patting me on the shoulder.

I blush and smile although he can't tell, "Uh, thank you,"

He sends me back to my seat and the class gets loud again. Huh, my music was louder in person. He must've turned it up or something. I turn the amp volume down and strum a few notes.

Maybe this is my calling or something. Speaking of calling-

"Mark!" I get his attention, "Yo, can I go use the bathroom?" He just nods.

I take the guitar strap off and set it beside the chair.

There's nobody else in there so I take the first few minutes to fix my mask, it had gotten a little loose.

I fix the bottom clips, keeping it on my face just in case.

Suddenly, I get pushed against the wall by someone and held around the throat. "What the fuck is up with you, faggot?"

I know exactly who it is. Travis.

He puts his knee in between my legs and holds onto my arm against the wall. Fuck, let go. I can't fucking breathe, you prick.

"All of you dirty queers are gonna burn in hell," He leans down and bites onto my neck. What the fuck!? This is fucking gross, stop!

He pushes his knee up into my...there. and tightens his grip on my arm.

He starts sucking on my neck and leaving a mark. This feels disgusting.

I feel him grab onto my mask and I start panicking. I can't fucking move, let me the fuck go. "S-stop.." I barely breathe out.

"You need to burn in hell, demon!" he finally yells and throws my mask on the floor.

I'm sure there are tears streaming down my face before he lets me go and pushes me to the floor.

"Tch.." he leaves the bathroom quickly.

I grab my mask and quickly put it on, not caring if it's loose or not at this point.

I examine the bruise on my neck and try to cover it with my shirt. I'll put Larry's sweatshirt back on in class.

That's different than any other bully...way different. I'll deal with it. If he really wants me to burn, then he'll stop talking to me.

I make my way back to class, not caring if I piss or not. Class is almost over and I need to get his sweatshirt on.

I get back to class without looking at anyone and quickly pull my sweatshirt on.

The last few classes, me and Larry have it together so that's good. Seriously though, what the fuck is up with this guy? Larry would flip.

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