+ The Party Girl +

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"Kara no! You can't come you're not in the proper state to!" Anger flooded my body as the ground began to shake.

"I want to come!" I spoke, my hair beginning to float upwards, Peter raises his hands in a way to calm me down.

"Okay okay let's go! Stay close!" I nod happily as my hair lands down. As we ran across the golf course the sprinklers are activated. "This sucks!" He gasped.


Hiding, Peter and I watch as a man walks up to his van and looks inside. Spider-Man's eyes narrow. The back of the van is full of machinery and weapons. "Why are we hiding?" I whispered looking to Peter, he lifts a hand to my mouth.

"shhhh, you might give up our spot to the bad guys." He whispered back.

"Peter," I whispered. He looked over to me and sighed. "Do you love me?"

"I- uh Kara I-"

"It's okay Peter, but I love you. I think, whenever I see you look at Liz I get jealous. What do you see in her that I don't have? Am I not pretty enough? Peter I-" He takes off his mask and looks at me, tears were starting to well up my eyes, I was wearing my black mask and black runners, but I was still in my party attire. He then pulls down my mask and kisses me and I was shocked, but then I returned it. "Peter I-"

"Shhhh, now let's get back to work." I nodded, my cheeks were even more red. Suddenly, a yodelling ringtone plays. The weapon dealers look around, alarmed.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" One of the men spoke, as I looked to Peter. He quickly puts his mask back on. The phone continues to ring. Peter takes his phone out to check caller ID. Ned is making a funny face on the screen. The man aims his gun at the other guy. Peter flips off the wall and lands on the ground. I fall onto the ground making a small dent.

"Hey! Hey, come on. You gonna shoot at somebody, shoot at me."

"All right." The man turns the gun on Peter, but Peter shoots his web, disarms him, and charges. Using a high tech gauntlet from his van, The other punches me with a burst of energy. I slam into the side of the bridge and land on the ground. the man jumps in and starts the car. The other guy, laughing triumphantly, jumps onto the back of the van as his accomplice drives off.

"What was that?"

"I dunno, but we gotta get them." Peter shoots his web, attaching it to the weapon dealers' open van door. The van drags in through a neighbourhood, knocking Peter into a trash can. I was flying following the van, but I was slower than usual. Peter is still being dragged through the neighbourhood, clinging to the back of the van. One of the van's doors were gone, I had finally caught up with Peter I was about to grab his shoulders when he was knocked off course and was nowhere to be seen. "Spider-Man!" I yelled, but no answer so I stuck with the van trying to not lose sight of it. As I kept flying after them waiting for Peter to show up, I look up to see Peter jump off a roof.

"Surprise!" He yelled, I then see a giant bird man fly towards him, I quickly fly over to them, I quickly take Peter's spot as I'm snatched by the man, but Peter was also snatched by the guy's other foot thing. I look to the man, I could feel my telekinesis doing some damage to his wings before he punched me in the face knocking me out cold. "Goddess!" Peter wrestles to pull his leg free from Birdman's grasp. Noticing the struggle, Birdman trains his glowing eyes at Peter menacingly and carries him even higher. Suddenly, the spider drawn on the back of Peter's suit starts to beep and blink. A parachute unfolds itself from the hidden compartment. The air resistance from it makes rips Peter from Birdman's grasp. Peter grabs me, It felt like I was out of my body like astral projection, but I couldn't get back in my body. During our descent, Peter gets wrapped up in the fabric.

"Peter!" I scream trying to get his attention, but it was no use.

"Aahhhh!" Peter and I plunge into a lake. He struggles to free himself from the parachute as he sinks deeper and deeper, he also tries to reach me, but I sink faster since I am dead weight. I was then dragged back to my body, I opened my eyes and tried to take a breath, but I inhaled water. I could feel the water filling my lungs. I grabbed my throat as I tried to reach out to Peter as I kept sinking. A figure dives into the water in an admirably fast speed I looked and saw Iron Man he went to grab me then Peter. We then emerge from the lake, I was in a coughing fit as I was in his arms and Peter was holding onto his neck.

"And then he just, like, swooped down like a monster... ...and picked us up, and took us up like a thousand feet and just dropped us. How'd you find us? Did you put a tracker in my suit?"

"I put everything in your suit. Including this heater. Unfortunate I wasn't the one who made Kara's suit so there is no heater."

"That's better. Thanks." Peter spoke as he got closer to me. I had used my telekinesis to get the water out of my lungs, I also took out all of the alcohol out of my system so I was now sober. I couldn't remember much, but maybe that might be for the better.

"What were you two thinking?"

"The guy with wings is the source of the weapons. We gotta take him down."

"Take him down now, huh? Peter, there are people who handle this sort of thing."

"The Avengers?" I spoke looking at Iron Man.

"No. This is a little below their pay grade."

"Mr. Stark, you didn't have to come out here. I had that. I was fine."

"Oh, I'm not here. Thank God this place has Wi-Fi... ...or you two would be toast right now. Thank Ganesh while you're at it. Cheers. Look, forget the flying vulture guy, please."


"Why? Because I said so! Sorry, I'm talking to teenagers. Stay close to the ground. Build up your game helping little people, like that lady that bought you guys the churro. Can't you just be a friendly... neighbourhood Spider-Man?" Iron Man then turned to me. "And for you young lady! You could've died Kara! You were obviously drunk and almost drowned! If it weren't for your powers you'd be dead." I looked down to my shoes as I leaned against Peter for warmth.

"But we're ready for more than that now."

"No, you two are not."

"That's not what you thought when I took on Captain America."

"Trust me, kid. If Cap wanted to lay you out, he would've. Listen to me. If you come across these weapons again, call Happy."

"Are you driving?"

"You know, it's never too early to start thinking about college. I got some pull at MIT. End call."

"No, I don't need to go to--"

"Mr. Stark is no longer connected." F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke.

"That's awesome. "Stay close to the ground"? What is he talking about?" Peter then answers the phone. "Hey, what's up? I'm on my way back."

"Who's that?" I ask, he mouths the word "Ned" and I nod. He then put Ned on speakerphone.

"Actually, I was calling to say maybe you guys shouldn't come. Listen."

"When I say "penis," you say "Parker." - Penis! - Parker! - Penis! - Parker!"

"Sorry, Peter. Also I guess we're still losers. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"It's not your fault."

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