chapter 113 Heirarchy.

Start from the beginning


Seoul:I did.


I take a fighting stance and it seems valkyr notices this and watches from the corner she sitting down in.

Seoul:They wanted me to let this freak go free. Which im not allowing to happen.

Ash:Why shoot her?!

Seoul:I only shot her kneecaps shes fine. She wouldnt listen unless I did that.

Tyst:Not going to lie...had to think about it but he was right....guess my caring personality got in the way again...


Valkyr prime:You guys are a real rag tag team arent you?

Lio:Since we had a reason change in leadership. Since im unfit to lead apparently?

Ash:Seoul what are you doing?

Seoul:She wanted to kill herself in the raid! We cant have a suicidal leader.

Ash:that true tyst?



Seoul:Alot happened while you were gone I think we all just have to adjust.

Varch:Forbid you end up like seouls last squad. Which one did you love? Wasnt it nikala? Thought you two had common intrests? But when you needed her most she left you to get enslaved. And you ash you pathetic waste of space. Manipulated and captured multiple times. Its crazy how much youve accomplished without dying. Lio we all know your crazy...just ask fen..oh wait. He wanted you to save him and you failed. Tyst...The weakest of the weak your group was slain by a single vengeful soul. Pathetic.

We all stare at him.

Ash:You know everything dont you?

Varch:I am perfection.

Ash:But your trapped here in a cave.

Varch:I try to ignore that...


She limps over to him.

Tyst:They were slain...?

Varch:Oh you werent informed? They were slain by his old friend janus.

She stares at me.

Tyst:You...were friends with the one that slaughtered my group?

Seoul:What are you silly putty?! He said one thing why are you upset?!

Tyst:No..No....they all died...

Ash:What kind of friends are they if they outcast you?!

Tyst:They were still like family to me..
Even after all that time...

She starts limping towards the entrance to open it

Tyst:They may have accepted me back...but now...its impossible.

Valkyr prime:STOP!

Valkyr takes one hand and smashs the back of tysts head so hard her whole body flips and hits the floor.


Valkyr prime:You were gonna step out regenerate and attack right? How about you stop being so senstive and listen?


Valkyr kicks her in the face and she slides into a wall.

Seoul:Holy shit!

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