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    Hello, my lovelies! I would like to begin this novel by thanking you all for your continued love and support for Here. I would also like to apologize for my absence on that particular work! I have lost inspiration for the continuation of it, though I do have hopes to finish it in the near future. That being said, I also am contemplating taking it down temporarily to rewrite some of the chapters seeing that I first uploaded it two years ago. 

     You are not reading this to learn more about previous works, are you? No, I did not think so. Welcome to my newest Snamione fanfiction entitled Insufferably Yours. This story will have very heavy influence from musical hits from the 1970s. Why you might ask? In this book, we will travel with Hermione Granger as she is sent back to Hogwarts in 1978. 

    As you may have figured out by now, the plot will revolve around Hermione being transported into the Marauder's seventh and final year. Without further ado, allow me to lead you into a world of magic, deceit, and coming of age. This novel may contain scenes that are not appropriate for young viewers. Please note that this will not be a frequent occurrence. 

   Thank you for choosing Insufferably Yours. Do not forget to like, comment, and connect with me on Instagram (same as my username on here). 

Always, Rhiannon Abernathy <3

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