Chapter 23

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    I wake up in a vehicle of some sort. I’m on a seat and my head is laying on someone’s lap. I look up and I see Andy. I look around and there is Clarice, Lauren and a bunch of other mutants. I think of one thing as we are moving.

    Where the hell are we going?

    “Look who finally woke up?” Clarice mumbles.

    “What happened?” I ask, my voice raspy.

    “You went crazy, insane.” Clarice explains. “You got so upset after Sonya that you attacked almost every scientist. Your collar broke. They had to sedate you. You fell asleep after.”

    I groan. My head is throbbing. I can’t feel my face. “Do you know where we’re going?”

    Clarice shakes her head. “I don’t know.”

    I look up at Andy who looks down on me.

    “You okay?” he asks.

    “No, I feel like the world is spinning.” I mumble. I sit up a little but end up laying back down feeling to dizzy. I squeal in pain.

    “Hey, hey, hey.” Andy says, cuddling me in his arms. “It’s going to be okay.”

    I wish I could believe him. But I can’t. I just witnessed a death that could’ve been prevented, Lisa hates me, and I’m in a Sentinel Services bus.

    The bus stops.

    “What the hell is going on?” I sit up, still dizzy.

    “I don’t know.” Lauren says.

    We all look around and try to figure out what’s happening. Out of nowhere…Bang!

The Sentinel Service agent shoots himself.

“What are you doing?” Lauren screams.

We all walk out of the bus and we see Esme. I’m a little confused and then things get more confusing. Two other girls just like her walk next to her. They chant something.




Then out of freaking nowhere, my sister comes out of the darkness. Fire comes in left and right. Sentinel Service guards are shooting each other. Mutants are trying to escape and not get hurt. I somehow end up next to Lauren. I feel faint, like I might collapse any minute.

Lisa is somehow in the sky and her arms are out. Her entire body is covered in flames. The fire is so bright, it’s almost blinding. My eyes are in so much pain. Everything hurts. Physically and emotionally. As I stare out at the situation at hand, I start to feel very dizzy. Before I know it, I collapsed to the ground. I see black spots before I close my eyes entirely.

In my last moments of consciousness, I realized something big.

Lisa and Esme just put us in a fiery hell and we don’t even know it.  


    I’m not perfect and I don’t try to be. I’m not good and I lie so many times. I’m lonely and try to surround myself with people but we’re not friends. And I’m so desperate that I just, I can’t with myself anymore.

    Ellana got captured and I didn’t feel not one ounce of guilt. I didn’t feel mad or scared. It was a moment where I didn’t care about Ellana. It should scare me, but it doesn’t. Actually, I was happy! God, what’s wrong with me? Ellana is my sister but why should I care about someone who hates me?! Ellana hates me.

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