Chapter 1

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    Oh, school dances. What a lovely thing to be in a school gym full of kids who can't dance. I mean I'd rather watch This is Us  with my older sister, Elisabeth and my friend, Lauren and her brother, Andy. It's our normal weekend ritual. But Lauren wanted to go to the dance. I wish I can be as outgoing and fun as Lauren. Or cool and confident like my sister, but I'm not. I'm just ordinary.

    I'm an ordinary mutant who is at a school dance with nobody to talk to. 

    As I'm sitting at the snack station, drinking punch, I watch as Lauren is dancing with her boyfriend. They look so happy together. I roll my eyes and continue drinking my punch. Then, out of nowhere, Lauren's younger brother, Andy walks up to me. Andy is cool, but he doesn't talk to me as much. In my eyes, I think he is nice but can get a little annoying.

    "What are you doing here? At a dance?" I ask.

    All he does is shrug his shoulders.

    "Okay. Are you going to talk today or are you going to just stand here like an idiot?" I ask.

    "I don't know. I'm still deciding." He says with a sly smile.

    "Why are you so annoying?" I ask.

    Andy shrugs his shoulders again. "I don't know. Why are you so pretty?"

    I laugh. "Wait, what. You think I'm pretty?"

    "I didn't mean it like that. I mean you are pretty but not in that way. I mean..." he says.

"Okay, Strucker," I say. "Calm down. I get what you mean."

I know exactly what he means. He likes me.

"So what are you doing here?" Andy asks.

"Eh, got bored. And I'm already caught up with This Is Us." I say.

"You didn't finish the season premiere of 9-1-1, right?" he asks.

"No," I say in a high-pitched voice.

"I hate you," he says.

"No, you don't," I say, laughing.

Andy laughs along with me. "I'm gonna go sit near the bleachers. Wanna come?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there. Gotta go to the bathroom," I say.

Andy walks away and I run to the bathroom. I don't know if the tattoos that I had since childhood are showing but I have to make sure. It's weird, me and my sister both are mutants but I had to be the one that actually looks like one.

All my sister has is red at the end of her hair and a fire tattoo. And no one questions it because she is twenty years old. Me, I'm only fifteen and every day I have to hide my purple hair and weird tattoos with a wig and makeup. It's so stressful.

As I get out of the bathroom, I notice that Andy isn't at the bleachers. I start to look for him but he's not anywhere in sight. I was going to go tell Lauren but I didn't want her to worry about him. I was about to go outside the gym to check to see where he is when the gym lights started sparking and the room started to shake.

And since I know how to control my power of creating earthquakes, I know for sure that isn't me. I went to go find Lauren to see if she found Andy yet but I couldn't find her. I decided that I should wait outside for Lauren and Andy when I finally see them.

Since Lauren and I are best friends, we tell each other everything. Even about our mutant abilities. But it couldn't be her making this type of destruction. And it isn't me. And then I realize that Andy looks like that he's in pain when I notice one thing and one thing only:

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