Chapter 19

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    When a couple splits, things can go so many ways. Sometimes it could be positive, other times it could be negative. Well, when it came to Lisa’s ex, Shawn, things went left instead of right. Shawn was one of Lisa’s first boyfriends. They were sixteen when they first dated.

They broke up because things just weren’t working out. They were still friends after, though. I actually liked when Shawn and Lisa were together. He was really nice and treated her well, which I respected a lot. When they broke up, it was obvious one was more heartbroken than the other. Shawn was devastated about it but I comforted him. I mean, not in a weird way but in a way a friend would when their friend just broke up with him.

    I notice that Lisa got a letter. I can’t tell who it’s from, but I didn’t want to be nosy, so I let Lisa go into our room.

    Lauren looks over my head. “Hey. Who’s Lisa’s letter from?”

    I shrug. “I don’t know. She’ll probably tell me about it later.”

    “So, the guys got back,” Lauren says.

    “I know,” I say.

    “You don’t want to run into your lovely boyfriend’s arms?” she asks.

    “Oh, my God,” I smile. “You are the reason I asked him out in the first place. You basically gave me your blessing.”

    “You’re acting like you asked him for your hand in marriage,” Lauren playfully rolls her eyes.

    “I’m just saying,” I say. “I wouldn’t have asked him out hadn’t you said what you said to me.”

    Lauren smiles. I was about to say something but I hear a cry come from me and Lisa’s room.

    “Oh my god! Shawn!” Lisa yells.

    I automatically get up and practically run to Lisa. “Lisa? Oh my God, Lisa.”

    I walk in the room and I see Lisa, in tears and holding the letter she got to her chest.

    I sit down next to her. “What’s wrong.?”

    Lisa shakes her head and cries even more.

    Lorna walks into the room and sees me and a depressed Lisa. “What happened to her?” she asks. Lisa gives me the letter and buries herself even more into her sorrowness.

    I walk up to Lorna. “It’s a letter from her ex.” I mumble. I open the letter and Lorna and I read together.

    “Dear Elisabeth Robin Schmidt,

    It is rather sudden that I write to you. We haven’t seen each other since high school. I know that you probably don’t remember me. Or miss me. But I just wanted to write you this letter before it’s too late.

    For the past few years, I’ve been dealing with some heavy stuff. My grandpa passed away just before college started. My dad went into prison and my mom got fired from her job. We’re now staying with my grandma.

    I just remember you. I believe you’re what made me strong for these past couple of months. I remember how strong you were. You never let anyone bring you down. You showed me such courage, devotion and love that I’ve never felt before. And even after we broke up, I still love you.

    This is not a letter of trying to get you back. It’s a final goodbye letter. For both you and me. I need to move on. I need to leave you behind. I need to leave everything behind.

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