You Fool

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Cole and Everly sat in a slightly awkward silence, before he spoke up. "So, you see many losers in Atlanta, do you?"

She had cringed when her mother had made that statement. She sighed, "I've had my fair share of dead end relationships, yes, but haven't we all?" She was clearly pointing a finger at Cole's crappy choice in some of his girlfriends.

He just laughed that familiar laugh of his and went back to staring at the road. Everly did the same. They pulled up to the park about fifteen minutes later, Cole putting his Chevy in park. Everly hopped out, grabbing her baseball glove and ball, and walked to the front of the truck to meet Cole.

"Come'on hot shot. You have some ass kicking to do." Cole led Everly towards an open field. The air was crisp, the leaves at the beginning of their changing state for the season. It was beautiful. Cole thought that she made it that much prettier, but didn't verbally attest to it.

Everly waited for him to get a good distance across from her before she threw the ball. They did this back and forth for a good while, before Cole started to ask her questions.

"So, where are you living in Atlanta? Do you have a house or a condo or what?"

"I have my own condo. I live there alone, now. It's right in the city, close to everything, including my job."

"What do you mean you live there alone now?" Cole was curious. His jealous side was showing a little, automatically jumping to conclusions.

"Maybe you should jump to catch that ball you just missed instead of jumping to conclusions, Mr. Swindell. I had a roommate. She was one of the receptionists for the PR firm I work for. She got engaged and moved in with her fiancee."

Cole laughed. She knew him too well. He grabbed the ball and threw it back to her.

"And even if it was a guy, I am sure you have not been so innocent since me." Everly scoffed, pointing her finger at his guilty looking expression. She was right. Cole had been seeing this girl Katie for awhile. Katie had moved to Nashville, worked in public relations as well. She had the blonde hair and was tan, very outgoing, everything he thought he wanted in a girl. He just couldn't shake the feeling of Everly though. When Katie would spend the night, he would find himself half way across the bed, feeling guilty for sleeping with her. When all he knew, Everly could have been alone in her own bed wishing to be with him.


Everly smiled and giggled, a sound he had missed for years. He threw the ball back at her, however Everly was not paying attention. She looked up from fixing her shirt sleeves to see the ball coming right towards her left arm, bouncing off. She fell to the ground, yelling out in momentary pain. Cole ran as fast as he could towards her, dropping his glove.

"Everly, oh my lord, are you okay?" He panicked, getting on his knees, placing his arms on her arm. She looked up at him, tears forming in her honey colored eyes. He searched her face for any kind of regret she might have for meeting up with him today.

"You said you would never hurt me, you fool." She half laughed, half choked out.

"I'm so sorry, baby girl. I am so sorry." He replied. Just the fact that she was slightly joking was a good sign. He went to touch her arm, but she winced, moving back a little.

"Let me see. Maybe I can make it all better." Cole pulled her sleeve up, revealing a bright red spot that was quickly beginning to turn black and blue. He ran a finger across it and leaned down. He planted a kiss on the spot.

"All better." Everly said, looking at him after sitting there for a few seconds in complete silence, except for her sniffling. He reached his arm out, for what she thought was to help her up. Instead his hand surpassed hers and went under her chin lifting it his way. Cole looked at her lips for a moment, before capturing them with his. Everly lost her breathe for a second, the world seemingly spinning a little faster than usual. She reciprocated though.

Cole pulled away slowly, smiling at her. His eyes bright. "Now you are all better."

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