This is it

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Evie stared blankly at the tallish figure walking nonchalantly through the door to the restaurant. Brantley looked back toward her, sensing a bit of hesitation. He squeezed her hand a little tighter for reassurance. He had no idea that Cole was going to be the one the team said they had to meet after his was all complete. Otherwise, he would have never agreed to bring her along tonight. 

Cole kept up his pace, making his way over to the table that they just enjoyed dinner at. His smile lighting up the room as he made his rounds of handshaking. He finally looked up, his blue eyes landing on Everly. They darted between her and Brantley. His gaze sinking as he noticed Brantley's hand squeeze even tighter. 

"Hey." Cole spoke up, offering a small smile. 

"Hey." Brantley replied, shaking Cole's hand firmly with his free one. 

Everly ran her tongue along her teeth, her nose flaring. "B, can you give a second?" She looked in to Brantley's glittering green eyes, letting him know that it would all be okay. 

"I will pull the truck around front, baby doll." Brantley threw in the pet name for good measure. He nodded at Cole one last time before he made his way outside. 

There was a lull between them, almost uneasy. Everly picked up her head, shaking her pin straight brown hair. She let out a laugh, sounding almost absurd. "You couldn't just let us be for one gosh darn night, could you?" Her eyebrows furrowed. She tried to push back the tears that threatened to escape. 

"Evie, I had no idea Brantley was meeting with the team before me. They told me they had someone to catch up with and to be here for drinks at this time." Cole stuck both of his hands up in the air, silently waving his white flag. 

Everly shifted in her spot, pursing her lips. She wanted to say so much to him. But she didn't want to leave Brantley out in the truck wondering what was going on between them inside. 

"Meet me for coffee in the morning?" Cole asked, his voice dripping with eagerness. "I want to explain..... everything." 

Everly adjusted her beige cardigan so that it sat properly over her shoulders, pulling it tighter in the front to wrap around her now cold body. Was he crazy? Brantley would kill him with his bare hands if he knew he was asking her to meet him alone for coffee. The whole situation with Katie and quitting her job was beginning to be too much for her to handle, both mentally and emotionally. Everly scanned Cole's face. His freckles were prominent. His eyes hiding the tiredness his body was feeling. She could just tell that he had been putting himself through the wringer. She wanted to tell him to get lost, take a hike and never come back. But her heart was saying otherwise. 

"9am at Ms. Kay's?" 

"You got it." Cole's lips curled up in a half smile. He didn't want to seem too excited, but this was a step in the right direction. 

Everly nodded in agreement and left through the maze of tables. She stepped out in to the cool night air, inhaling sharply as the breeze hit her face. She looked toward the darkened sky and closed her eyes. Brantley sat in the driver's seat, watching through the tinted window. His heart sank. This was it. He could just tell. 

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