Now or Never

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Everly locked the door to her apartment and glided down the stairs to her car parked in the garage below. Brantley had dropped her off after they left the restaurant, citing he had a headache and needed rest. Everly knew better though. She could tell the moment she opened the passenger side door of his pickup. They didn't exchange a word the rest of the ride back. He kissed her cheek before she hopped out and watched as she made her way through his mama's garage door to the stairs. 

Everly ran her hands through her day old straightened hair that began to curl a little. A pair of sunglasses hiding the dark circles under her honey colored eyes. Tired didn't even begin to explain her state. She adjusted her seat belt and backed out of the driveway slowly, making her way in to town. At least she would get a large coffee out of this whole ordeal. 

She parked her SUV along the road in an open spot across from the cafe. She sat there contemplating whether she should just make a quick trip in before she was seen by Cole, but it was too late. He walked down the sidewalk in his jeans and white tee. His tennis shoes casting a glare that was almost blinding. A backwards Atlanta Braves baseball cap sat gingerly on his head. Everly swallowed. The feelings she had bubbling up inside her. With a heavy sigh, she hopped out of her vehicle and pushed the button to lock it over her shoulder. She jogged across the street, her black flip flops clicking along the cracked pavement. A gentleman held the door for her as she reached the bakery. She politely thanked him and raised her sunglasses on to her head. Cole was standing in line a few people ahead of her. She thought about staying where she was. She didn't want anyone to think she was cutting them in line. But she decided to put on her big girl panties and excuse herself around the few people, laying a hand on the smooth cotton of his white tee shirt. 

Cole looked beside him, his eyes meeting hers. A smile spreading across his face. "I didn't know if you would actually show." 

"Coffee is involved. Of course I am going to show up." Everly joked. The group ahead of them cleared out, revealing an overly chipper woman behind the counter. 

"What can I get the two of you lovely folks?" She smiled widely, her teeth matching the white marble counter top. 

"I'll have a large coffee with cream and sugar. And for the lady..." Cole trailed off, his arms crossed over his chest as he peered down at Everly scanning the menu.

"A large iced latte with caramel please." Everly replied, looking down at the woman punching in the order in the computer. "Make that extra caramel." 

Cole chuckled as she ordered her usual. He pulled out his Amex and handed it over to the kind woman to pay. Everly thanked him and walked to the end of the counter to wait for their drinks. A moment later, they were sitting at a corner table near the window. A white metal table between them. The smell of fresh cut flowers mixed with espresso swirling about. Everly took a long sip of her iced latte, relishing in the magic that passed her lips. She peered up at Cole as he took a sip of his own, watching her over the steaming white cardboard cup. 

"So," She started as she sat her drink down on the cool metal. 

"I am surprised Brantley let you come here without him. Or do I have a death wish waiting for me?" Cole half laughed, half prayed he wasn't right. 

"I am pretty sure my relationship is on the line for being here." Everly deadpanned. She wanted Cole to see how serious this was. She wasn't going to fool around anymore. 

Cole's eyes widened a little. It was going to be now or never then. 

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