Special Event

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Everly rolled her white SUV up to her Atlanta condo a few hours later. She quickly cut the engine and sat in the black leather driver's seat for a minute or two, taking in a deep breathe. She ran her hand through her soft chocolate brown hair, letting it fall all around her in every direction. The ride home was quiet and  smooth. But she wished she could calm her mind. That trip back to Bronwood was nothing she imagined it would be. Her phone pinged a couple of times as she was driving. She knew it was Cole just by the sound of the ringtone. She never did change it after they broke up. 

Everly finally got out of her vehicle, grabbing her bags from the backseat. She threw them over her right shoulder, walking up the solar light lined sidewalk to her front door. The sweet smell of  flowers in her garden bed hitting her nose. She fished her house keys out of her beige Michael Kors purse, opening the door to the familiar vanilla and cinnamon scent of her cozy home. Placing the bags on a small bench in the foyer, she locked up behind her, abandoning all of the remnants from the last few days. Everly had made her way through to the kitchen, grabbing coffee filters out of the white shaker cabinet above the sink to make a small pot of coffee. She could desperately use it. Or a glass of wine. But coffee might get her through some work she needed done before going in to the office the next morning. 

October had flown by like a lightening storm in the South. It was the end of the month and Everly's head was spinning from basically living in her office at work. Her boss called for an early meeting this Friday morning, something about a special event coming up that needed tending to. She stopped at Starbucks quickly to get a latte before heading in because she was sure she would need the extra caffeine boost. Everly hit the button for the top floor on the elevator and rested against the wall as it took her to the office. She sipped her latte, relishing in the warm vanilla liquid that graced her lips. The elevator dinged, signaling it was time to face reality. Everly loved her job and was passionate about what she did, but my goodness was she tired. She kept reminding herself only six to seven weeks left and then she would be right back home in Georgia. 

"Everly, meet in the conference room in two minutes." Her boss Elizabeth replied, walking in a hurried manner passed her toward the end of the hallway. Everly nodded and headed to her desk to set down her bags and grab her Chromebook. She made her way down to the conference room, settling in close to the door. It was the best seat in the house, with views of downtown Atlanta as far as the eye could see. 

"Alright, we have a huge project we have been handed. Nothing like we have done before." Elizabeth stood at the front of the room, looking around at the many eager faces awaiting on the details. Elizabeth hesitated, a smug look playing across her facial features. "We locked down the CMA Awards in two weeks!" 

There was a unanimous gasp and then several cheers throughout the room. It was a coveted event that went to the most prestigious PR firm year after year. Word had it that they surpassed that firm by leaps and bounds and were sought after specifically for the awards. Everly sat in her comfy leather swivel chair, unsure of what to say or do. That meant travelling to Nashville as soon as they got the logistics set. Spending every waking moment worrying about the biggest event in country music history. And trying to avoid Cole at all costs because he was up for a category. She was so wrapped up in her own head that she didn't hear her boss calling out her name. 

"Earth to Everly." Elizabeth waved her papers in the air, trying to catch her eye. 

"Sorry," Everly shook her head. 

"You're in charge of making sure the only after party worth attending goes off without a hitch. And the performer puts on a flawless show." 

"Who is the performer?" Everly questioned, looking up from her computer screen. 

"Cole Swindell." 

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