Pizza and Tears

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Everly carried the last of the boxes from the trunk of her SUV through the apartment and set it on the dark wooden floor of the kitchen. She stood up, sighing as she looked around the room. She was hoping she made the right decision.

"That the last of it?" A voice came from the disheveled living room. 

"Thankfully." Everly laughed, brushing a piece of hair away from her honey colored eyes. 

"Holy Hell, woman. You have a lot of crap." The person in the living room replied as they really took in the sight. 

Everly popped in to the room, "That a deal breaker, Mr. Gilbert?" She flirtatiously questioned. 

"Not when you're that cute." He gave a devilish grin beneath his baseball cap. 

Everly batted her eyes and flashed a smile. Brantley walked over sweeping her up in his arms and twirled her around once, placing her back down on her feet. He peered down at her, glancing at her bubble gum pink lips before he covered them with his. 

"Mmmm, what do you say. Should we order some pizza for this unpacking party?" He asked. 

"Yes sir." Everly nodded her head, agreeing to the delightful idea. 

Brantley walked away, pulling his cell phone out of the back pocket of his dark wash jeans. He dialed the local pizza shop, ordering enough food for an army. Noelle and Ben walked in all flirtatiously, stopping in the living room. 

"Pizza is on the way." Everly replied, noticing their faces as they looked around. 

"It is going to take more than pizza to get us to help you with this mess." Ben joked. 

"That is why there is beer in the fridge already." Everly rolled her honey colored eyes. Ben made  fist pump in the air and walked in to the kitchen to grab himself one. Noelle stepped over a few boxes full of pictures and decor. She hugged Everly tightly.

"You doing okay?" She whispered, trying not to make this too big of a deal. Quitting your job and selling your condo is one thing. Moving in to the apartment above Brantley Gilbert's mother's garage is another. Sure she could have moved to Nashville. Plenty more opportunities there. But she couldn't afford those opportunities right now. What she could afford was the free apartment above the garage of the mother of the smokin' hot bad boy of country she was casually seeing. Plus, there was a slim to none chance of running in to Cole down here. Regardless if he was single again or not. 

Everly shook her head, trying to keep the tears at bay. Her own mother tried to get her to stay with her for awhile. But she needed her own space too. And Mayesville was still in the same state as Bronwood. 

"About 45 minutes." Brantley announced as he re-entered the apartment. 

"Then let's get this going." Everly clapped her hands together, smiling. 

Everyone scattered, taking different boxes and diving in. Everly chose the box below her, filled with pictures and memorabilia she kept from years passed. She opened the flap of the box, pulling a picture off the top. His bright blue eyes staring back at her as his arm was around her neck. A gold club in his hand and one in hers. The bright green grass rolling in hills behind them. So much for keeping the tears away. 

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