Chapter 13

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You were sleeping soundly until you heard it start to storm outside. It is about midnight so you had only fallen asleep an hour ago. Every time lightning struck you jumped a little. It might sound childish but you were scared of storms. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't handle them.

You got out of bed and made your way to Ciel's room. He made you feel safe and all you wanted was his embrace. You knew he couldn't love you back because of his engagement but you still wanted to be wrapped up in his arms.

You knocked quietly on his door. No response came. You knocked again a little louder. Again, no response. Lightning stuck again and you flinched. You tried one more time but before you could pull your hand away Ciel opened the door.

"Dammit Finny! No I don't have any more storybo-... oh it's you. What's wrong?" You were about to answer when a loud crack echoed through the mansion and you jumped into his arms. "Oh I understand. You're afraid of storms, how adorable." He grinned at you making you turn red. You pulled yourself back up.

"I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me staying with you for a while." You pressed your fingers together refusing to meet his eyes. He puts his finger under your chin and forces you to look at him.

"Of course you can. Stay as long as you like." When the it struck this time you didn't reacted because you were too busy gazing into his gorgeous blue eye. "Oh? I thought you were scared of storms. Did you just want an excuse to sleep with me tonight?"

You felt your face get hot and you were stuttering. "N-no I am afraid of storms I-I just feel safer when you're around that's all." Your face burned hotter because you didn't mean to tell him that. You could feel his smirk.

He grabbed your hand and guided you to his bed. Again flinching at the noise from the storm. He put his arms around you and held you close to him. "There's no need to be afraid. I'm here and I'll protect you."

You felt your eyes become heavy and you started falling asleep. Just before you dozed off you heard Ciel say, "I love you ____."

'Did he actually say that? No, probably not. He loves Lady Elizabeth.'

Next morning!

You woke up to with the sun in your eyes. When you remembered what happened last night your face turned red. You found Ciel spooning you, keeping you close to him. You turned to him and watched him sleep.

Ciel was still wearing his eyepatch so you went to take it off.

'This must be uncomfortable to sleep in.'

When you pulled on the string, the door opened and your eyes met Sebastian's. He immediately grinned and walked back out of the room saying he would come back later. The encounter with Sebastian made you forget about taking off the eyepatch.

Ciel woke up a few minutes later. When he looked into your (e/c) eyes, he gently smiled. "Good morning my ____. Sleep well?" You blushed when he called you his.

"Um yes. I did. Thank you for letting me stay with you last night. I know I can be difficult sometimes." You were a little embarrassed, being childish and all.

He frowned and made you look at him again. "I wouldn't mind if you stayed here every night."

"Really?" My eyes widened.

"Of course really. I really like you ____."

You gasped. "So you actually meant what you said last night?" He looked a bit confused and then realization settled in.

He blushed red. "You heard that?"

"Yep! You said you love me." You grinned at him. He let go of your waist and tried to back away from you saying that he was sorry. You grabbed his hand and pulled him back to you. "It's okay Ciel. I feel the same way."

Gazing into each other's eyes and leaned in for a kiss. He put a finger under your chin and guided you to his mouth. You closed your eyes and-

"Alright it's time to get up!" The cheerful intruder called.

"LEAVE SEBASTIAN!" Ciel was just as annoyed as I was about the butler's timing.

"But Young Master we need to get you ready for today. I already let you sleep an extra 10 minutes." Sebastian smiled, as if he knew what he interrupted.

"Fine then!" Both you and Ciel got ready for the day.

At breakfast Ciel went to kiss you again but Finny accidentally knocked over the table. Finally it was time for you, Sebastian, and Ciel to visit your manor.

Sebastian was going to be driving us there so Ciel and you would be alone at last. A couple minutes into the trip Ciel looked at you with hungry eyes and said, "We're finally alone." You giggled as he leaned in and kissed you.

It was perfect. You melted into the kiss and Ciel pulled you onto his lap. You felt something underneath you but you weren't sure what it was.

You both remained locked in a kiss when he suddenly licked your bottom lip. You playfully deny him access to explore your mouth. You could tell he was frustrated because his grip on you tightened and his was kissing you roughly. He bite your lip this time and you moaned. You opened your mouth just enough for him to slip his tongue in. You lower abdomen felt tight and you could feel the object under you grow in size. By now you know exactly what it is.

Both you and Ciel seemed oblivious to the fact that the carriage stopped. Sebastian opened the door and peered inside. "If you both don't mind," You jumped at the sound of his voice. "I would appreciate some quiet. It's hard to drive with all of the 'noises'."

"Sorry Sebastian! We'll be more quiet." He thanked you and began driving again. You got off of Ciel's lap and straighten up your dress and hair. After a while, Ciel pulled you into another kiss and you heard the carriage stop again.

"What is it now?!" Ciel said loud enough for Sebastian to hear. The door opens again.

"We have arrived."

Sebastian helped us out and we stood in front of a mansion. It wasn't as big as Ciel's but it was beautiful. The detail on the pillars and door frame were elegant. We knocked on the door and it opened. We didn't expect anyone to open it.

A tall man stood at the door. He wore a butler's outfit and he looked a lot like Sebastian and Claude except for his purple eyes. "Lady ____!" His stoic face changed and showed relief and pain. "I couldn't find you anywhere. I thought you were gone forever."

"John." You slowly walked up to him and hugged him. "Is it really you?"

"Yes it is, my Lady."

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