Chapter 7

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Sebastian's POV

The young master, Lady _____, and Lady Elizabeth have finally arrived at dinner.

'That's strange,' I think to myself. 'Lady Elizabeth looks rather gloomy.' Lady ____ and my Lord come in after her. 'Oh I understand now.' I couldn't help but grin to myself. Lady Elizabeth was a kind girl but she has never been able to make the young master genuinely smile after his parents died.

"This shall be an interesting night." I said to myself.

Your POV

You finally got to the dining table. The food smelled delicious and all of your favorites were there! Ciel sat next to you while Lizzie was sitting in front of you. When you looked up at her she looked frustrated and sad.

"Um. Excuse me miss but are you alright?" You wanted to be polite. You were no longer upset with her for pushing you over the railing.

"Yes I'm fine." She said with sadness and annoyance staining her usually happy voice. She mutters something to herself but out of respect of her privacy you don't ask what she said.

You all ate in silence. The dinner was very awkward but when you looked at Ciel he didn't seem to notice Lizzie's mood change. You smiled softly at him.

'He's so cute while he's eating.'

Ciel turns to you causing your face to turn red. He chuckles to himself before he continues to eat.

A few more minutes go by.

'I have to say something to her. She may also have feelings for Ciel but I'm sure she would make a lovely friend.'

"I'm terribly sorry my Lady but I never properly introduced myself. My name is ____. It's lovely to meet you." You flashed her a sweet smile.

Lizzie's POV

'Ugh! The nerve of this woman! She didn't even present her full name. Does she believe I'm inferior to her?! And besides that she keeps blushing and looking at Ciel! This woman makes my blood boil.'

"Hello ____. My name is Lady Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford of Scotney. Nice to meet you as well miss.. ____." I said plainly although I'm sure I sounded a bit rude but I don't actually care what she thinks about me right now. I want her to leave me and MY Ciel alone.

I looked to Ciel after I stated my name. He looked surprised like he just realized something was wrong.

"What a beautiful name!" ____ says sweetly.

'I hate how happy and sweet she is. How annoying.'

Ciel's POV

I thought something was off after we all walked to dinner. Lizzie seemed quiet and maybe even upset but I just ignored it. When Lizzie presented herself to ____
everything sounded wrong. She never states he full title and she always tells people to call her Lizzie but this time she didn't.

'...oh no. This is bad. I have to end this dinner quickly.'

"So Lizzie we should really get to sleep soon. I have paperwork tomorrow and ____ needs more rest. What brings you to my manor Lizzie?" I tried to sound like my usual self but my voice was a bit rushed. I've never seen her stare at someone the way she's staring at ____ now.

"Oh that's right, I completely forgot!" Her cheerful tone came back for the most part. "I came over to invite you to a party I'm throwing!"

"A party? For what?" The moment I said that her smile dropped from her face.

'I've made things worse, haven't I?'

"C-Ciel... have you really forgotten?" Her eyes became watery.

'Damn I'm an idiot.'

"How could I ever forget your 16th birthday? My Elizabeth, you underestimate me." I tried to make it seem as though I had been joking before. I think it worked. Her face softened.

"Yay I was worried for a moment there! But yes as I've said I want you to come to the party Ciel!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

'The way her mood changes so quickly reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on it.'

"____ and I would love to attend your party, Lizzie." I sent her a small smile but then I noticed her cheerful smile vanish again.

Lizzie's POV

"____ and I would love to attend your party, Lizzie."

'Damn. I don't want her coming to my party.'

"Well darling boy I was hoping that it would be more of a small get together between family, you know?" I tried my best not to sound rude this time. As much as I don't like the girl, I can't have this visit ruin my reputation.

"Oh. I see um but you usually love throwing big parties for your birthday." He looked confused to say the least.

____ was quite. I think she understood that this was a conversation that she didn't need to get involved with. She looked aimlessly around the dining room.

"Well this year I want it to be different and since you're my fiancé I assume you'll attend." I stated this rather than asking.

A small gasp came from ____ and her body stiffened. I presume that she must not have known that I was Ciel's betrothed. I smile to myself but I also felt a little bad for her.

Sebastian's POV

I know it's rude to eavesdrop but I couldn't help myself and neither could the other servants. We peaked out of the cracked down and watched everything unfold.

Your POV

You were now very aware of the fact that Lady Elizabeth didn't like you much. She would glare at you slightly and when she spoke to you there was venom in her voice. You decided to avoid conversations with her for now. You were running your finger over the lip of your cup and looking around the dining room trying to stay out of Ciel and Lady Elizabeth's conversation until you heard her say that she was to marry him.

'What? Betrothed? But-but it can't be true right? Ciel would have told me.'

"Yes Lizzie I understand why you asked me to come," he paused for a moment. "Sure I'll go." He finally adds.

As you stand from the table and leave you could hear an excited Elizabeth squeal behind you.

"Oh that's perfect it'll be in two days and I'll be..." her voice started fading as you tried holding back hot tears. You wanted to fall over out of sadness but you couldn't allow them to see you in such a state. Upon leaving the room you could hear Ciel yell after you but you ignored it and kept walking.

When you opened the dining room door three servants fell at your feet and Sebastian was standing next to them. Tears started cascading down your face. All of them looked at you in shock.

"My Lady are you-" Sebastian began but was quickly cut off by you.

"Thank you all for the meal. It was lovely. Goodnight." And with that you ran upstairs before you could embarrass yourself and before Ciel could catch up to you.

Lost in memory - Ciel X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now