Chapter 6

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You began to regain consciousness after the fall but you still couldn't move or open your eyes yet.

"Lizzie why do you run into the manor like that? I've told you before that someone could get hurt!" This voice sounded a lot like Ciel but his tone was far more angry than you ever heard Ciel get.

"Ciel I understand you're angry that I bumped into her but why are you so mad at me?" The squeaky voice, you assume to belong to 'Lizzie', questioned. It was obvious that she was cry.

"Bumped into her? Bumped- LIZZIE YOU PUSHED HER OVER A 30 FOOT RAILING! HOW CAN YOU ACT SO DAMN INNOCENT?!" Lizzie began to cry uncontrollably. Even though you weren't the one in trouble, you started sinking into yourself. Ciel's tone scared you a bit.

'I'd hate to be Lizzie right now. Oh well time to wake up I guess.' You grunt and finally open your eyes.

You looked to your left and found Ciel there right at your side. He looked concerned yet relieved. To the right of the bed was a girl around your age who was crying into the covers.

"____? Are you alright? You're not hurt are you? Are you dizzy? Do you need a drink?" Ciel's questions seemed to be endless.

'Awe, he was worried about me.' You blushed slightly.

"I'm so sorry! Please forgive my rudeness! Please!" Lizzie cried harder when she apologized to me although you didn't even bother looking at her, let alone listen to much of what she was saying. You continued to stare into Ciel's gorgeous blue eye.

"It's quite alright actually," you tried sitting up but you were too weak. "I can manage." In all truth you wanted to be rude to the clumsy girl but you assume that Ciel's lecture was more than enough punishment, for now.

"____ you shouldn't be getting up yet. You hit your head pretty hard." Ciel pulled you into his arms. He could see you were struggling to sit up so he sat behind you and sat you back into him and you thanked him for helping you. It was easier for you to sit with him bracing you like this but when you glanced at Lizzie she didn't look too pleased with Ciel behind you. Her eyes looked glossy, as if she would start crying again.

'Jealous are we? I wonder why.' The fact that she was jealous of me made me smile to myself. 'I have to win Ciel over before this girl does. Oh wait. What am I saying? It's not like I like him or anything..... right?'

"I'm just- I think I'll go see how lunch is coming along." Lizzie rushed out of the room, clearly upset.

"I think you upset her Ciel," I said to the boy who was holding me in his lap. "Don't you want to run after her?"

"I'm far more worried about you than her right now. That fall could have really hurt you." His grip on you was tightening and his voice was slightly shaky. Your heart ached when you realized how scared he was for you.

You turned to him and turned his face to look at you. "I'm alright Ciel. A bit dizzy but perfectly okay. You don't have to worry." You brought his head down to you and touched his forehead with yours.

He took a deep breath. "I know. I'm glad you're okay. Sebastian came back not too long ago and is now making lunch. It should be ready soon. Would you like help to the table?"

"Yes, kind sir." You smiles like an idiot and blushed at his offer. Down the stairs you went.

Lizzie's POV

Ciel has never yelled at me like that. Not even when I broke his ring a few years back. Not only did he yell at me for an accident but he also cradled that strange girl. I have the weirdest feeling I've seen her before though. I guess I shouldn't worry too much about it all though. I should trust Ciel and have faith that he won't break off our engagement for a girl like her.

'Yeah he won't leave me. We have been through everything together. Nothing could break our bond.' I started smiling again because I finally calmed down.

"Ow. Be careful. Haha"

'Oh that sounds like ____, maybe I can meet her properly this time.'

When I looked up to the top of the stairs I saw ____on her way down.... being carried by Ciel.

My heart dropped out of my chest.

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