Chapter 8

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You ran to your room sobbing and you locked the door behind you. Soon you're heard a small knock on the door. You tried to hide the sound of your sniffles but it didn't work.

"____. I know you're in there. Will you open the door?" Ciel sounded concerned but you still didn't respond. Hearing his voice made you cry harder. "____ please open the door. I want to help."

Eventually you heard him sigh and walk away from your room. After a few more minutes you heard muffled voices but you could tell that it was Ciel and Lady Elizabeth's voices.

Elizabeth squealed at something and you heard a thud followed by Ciel telling her to get off of him.

The front door closed and she was gone. You felt bad for leaving dinner the way you did but you felt betrayed because Ciel made you think he cared about you but in reality he had a fiancée. As you were lost in thought, someone knocked on your door.

"Ciel, go away!"

"My my Lady ____. Whatever happened between you and the master to cause a reaction like that?" You could tell that it was Sebastian. You pulled the door open and when your eyes met his you began crying again.

With your head buried in your hands you confide in Sebastian. He picked you up off the floor, sat on your bed and held you in a tight hug.

"I know it hurts, my Lady. I'm sure the young master didn't mean to hurt your feelings." As Sebastian talked, you began to drift off to sleep in his arms.

Ciel's POV

____ refused to talk to me after she ran out of the dining room. I went to see if she was okay but she refused to answer me or even open the door.
Defeated, I went back downstairs to Lizzie.

'Maybe I'll give her a moment alone and I'll check on her later.'

When Lizzie saw me she looked up and smiled at me.

'Why is she so happy? ____ just ran out crying.'

I told Lizzie that she should leave before it got too late. She didn't want to leave but agreed to go anyway.

"But before I go," she starts. "You are coming to my party aren't you?"

I sigh. "Fine." She jumps on me and I fall to the ground. "Dammit get off of me."

"Right I'm sorry Ciel. I'll see you at my party and remember it's a family party so let's keep it that way." She glared towards ____'s room. I told her okay and she finally left.

I started towards ____'s room but Sebastian stopped me and said he didn't think she wanted to see me at the moment so instead I went to my room and waited for Sebastian to dress me for bed.

I heard a knock on my door and Meyrin came in to dress me instead.

"Sebastian is busy with the Lady, yes he is." My heart dropped a little hearing that. She must be pretty upset with me.

Time-skip ~ two days later!


You had successfully avoided Ciel since dinner with Lady Elizabeth two nights ago. It wasn't too difficult because he was usually in his study. When breakfast, lunch, and dinner came around Sebastian brought you your food. He understood why you didn't want to see Ciel so he made sure you didn't have to.

You stayed busy with the servants most of the time. You gardened with Finny in the mornings and walked Pluto before lunch. You cleaned up Meyrin's messes and she told you secrets. You drank tea with Tanaka every morning and evening. And you helped Baldroy with the meals. He didn't try to hurry up the cooking process of the food while you were talking so he told you stories about his life while you both waited for the food to finish cooking.

All of the Phantomhive servants have been so kind and understanding. Each of them felt like family to you.

You and Meyrin were heading to the library when you ran into Ciel. Your eyes met for a moment before you looked away.

"____... it's good to see you." He tried to converse with you so you thought that you might try and sort things out with him.

"Young master," Sebastian appeared next to Ciel. "Your carriage to Lady Elizabeth's estate is ready." Sebastian looked up and noticed you were standing there. His eyes widened and he instantly regretted his words.

A pained look came back to your face. Meyrin escorted you to the library before anything more could be said. When you got to the library you hugged Meyrin and she rubbed your head as you cried into her chest.

Ciel's POV

When I finally saw ____ I was glad. I hoped we could talk about what happened before I went to Lizzie's party but I never got the chance to. I made my way to the carriage while I was thinking.

Seeing her so upset made me almost feel sick. All of my servants had grown to love her too so after they heard what happened between us and Elizabeth they silently took ____'s side. I don't blame them. It's my fault that she's hurting.

I arrived at Lizzie's manor I noticed several carriages in the front entrance.

'I thought she said this would only be for family?'

Lizzie spotted me. "CIEEEEEELLL!" She giggled when she tackled me.

"Lizzie I thought you said this was to be a small party. Why are there tons of people here?" I asked plainly.

"Oh right! I just didn't want ____ here today. I don't like her too much."

Lost in memory - Ciel X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now