18 - Plan A

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"Geez. He wasn't the stereotypical bad guy, that fucker is something new ain't it?" He says as everyone else is still confused. "Who are you, don't too fond on new faces." Ava says as she walks up toweling him, "Alright, Fiona. I'm Quinn, the prodigal son of Ebon." He says as he sits on the air conditioning unit. "Prodigal son? That's impossible. The Prodigy is nothing but a myth." Ava says with a stern tone, "Really? You out of all of us wanna talk about mythical? You're green as fuck, tall as shit, carrying a axe and a broken club I assume, we are way past myths. But we gotta make a plan here, that guy is no joke, the Stormcaller didn't do much damage on him." Quinn says as they all see Johnson high in the air and puts his hand in front of him, "I don't care who you are, all heartbeats stop!!" He says as he drives his fist into the roof and all of them scatter away from him. Johnson clashes with Allen and Madison with his hand around both of their necks, slamming them to the ground, she zaps him off and he lands on his hands and knees. He charges towards her, Allen intercepts him with a punch but it doesn't affect him, he kicks him away as Madison puts both hands in the sky as he's about to hit her. Quinn teleports in front of him, blocks his attack with his other sword, the energy spreads around them as it doesn't hit her, "This is a family affair, make your way out of it, orphan..." he says as Quinn switches to his daggers and tries to attack him as he dodges easily and then pushes him far away to a rusty truck. Kain tackles, pins him down as they both slides on the ground, he flips and throws him off, "Bothersome." He says as he decks in his face as Kain digs his nails in his skin. Phantom shoots him several times and he just withstands the shots and walks closer and closer to him, "I can see you." He grabs his throat and immediately breaks it like a twig and drops the body. Ava flies straight into him and punches him multiple times, harder than the next, he dodges her punch as she exhausts herself and he places her hand on her stomach with a huge ball of sound, blowing her away. Hope watches over Thomas as he doesn't move much as his body is heavy, "Zion. Can we do something? They're getting hurt..." She pleads as Johnson is wiping the floor with the heroes and doesn't care who attacks at him. "Link." Zion says as her hands glow on him and she slowly dissolves into him. Thomas wakes up with this tremendous power and his body forms in his true titan with Zion's aura forms around him, "Let's go sister." He says as he roars and stops Johnson in his tracks. Ava picks up Kain and jumps out of their way as Quinn places the sword in the ground on both sides of him as he meditates and makes a barrier just for them. "Fiona, Kain, Allen, and Madison, let's go and take out these corrupted soldiers and save these folks." He says as everyone flies out. Thomas and Johnson clash with their fists, Thomas punches him to the Barrier and it shocks him for a moment, "(So they're trapping me in here huh?)" Johnson thought to himself as Thomas throws another punch and he blocks it, drags his feet across the ground with all his power. "Why go through all this trouble with them? I can bring the best out of you. Those imbeciles don't know what true power is." Johnson says as he connects with three punches directly in the face as he taps into his Sonic Speed. Thomas stomps the ground hard as he freezes the ground all around him, Johnson's foot is caught in it, "Damn it!" Johnson says as his face is pounded by Thomas' thunderous shots from his fists. Johnson breaks out of his frozen boot, misses his kick to Thomas' face, Thomas grabs his leg and slams his body in the barrier, shocking him. Johnson blasts Thomas' face with the impact of a Sonic Boom, some of the ice around his face breaks off, Zion's energy explodes out and latches onto Johnson. "That little girl has quite some power to her, maybe when I'm done with you I'll dissect her." He says as Zion's energy flourishes out of him and grows uncontrollably. He bursts a huge blast aided from Zion towards Johnson, he quickly makes a shield but it pushes him back and the mechanism in his arms start to short out. Thomas keep blasting energy beats at him as Johnson can't protect himself from all of them, Johnson boosts him up and glides on the beam itself. "This ends here!!" Zion, Hope, and Thomas voice roars out and Johnson sees him charging at him and he runs to him. Johnson misses his punch, Thomas grabs his arm and leg, lifts him up over his head, "NOW MADISON!" They yell from as a huge lightning bolt comes down from Madison's control and electrocutes him with enough volts to power three football stadiums.

Kiano drops to a knee as the spell from Christi freezes him and he can't move. Guttree growls at Comrade, he stands weakly with two of his four arms broken, "If you would've just came with us willingly, it wouldn't have been this way." She giggles as Kiano looks at outside to Den hardly moving after being beaten by Guttree. He nods at her as he breaks the spell and stands up tall, Den makes a spell and disappears in thin air. "Well Comrade, just like the old days." He says as he puts his hands together and Comrade creates a huge energy ball and Kiano pushes it towards Guttree. He catches it, but it turns into a cage made out of their separate energies. "Switch." Christi says as her spell activates and Guttree and her disappears as Arc comes and strikes Kiano in the chest, breaking his bones inside. "Solar Palm." He says as his knees buckle and he falls to the ground. "Now. Where is the Chamber of Hell's Gate?" Arc demands as Comrade doesn't say anything, "You'll never find out. You're only asking for utter destruction!" He says, "Oh. We definitely intend for that..." Arc says as Comrade falls down from this dangerous pressure he has. He steps slowly to him as he gets back up and his two hands glow yellow, "The Guardian of the GreenLand....what a joke." Arc laughs as Comrade charges up his attack and the ground shakes as he gets closer. "Mystic style: Black Buzzsaw!" Comrade yells as his hands turn black and aims it to him as hundreds of black sharp energy disks going to him. Every one of them he either slaps out of the way like a fly, has it hit some form of a force field around him, or completely miss hitting him. "One....last....chance." He demands as he is face to face with him. "The Depth..." he says as Arc smiles. "The Forbidden WasteLand huh?" He giggles in excitement as he grabs the last disk and it doesn't hurt him at all. He uses the disk to slice off his last two functional arms and leaves him useless. "Whatever you're planning, you won't get him out..." Comrade says as Arc walks away. The tree entrance closes off before he reaches it, he takes a deep breath as he knows it wouldn't be that easy, which secretly he was counting on a challenge. "Ahhhh. Another soulless voice that rambles on about what I can and can't do....I dislike nonbelievers of optimism." He says as his eyes sparkle and the same 8 red aura balls surround him.

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