8 - False Intel.

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"It's already begun." Den says as she walks back in the house, alerting Kiano and Quinn as they were talking about another matter. "WaveGate launched their invasion, it's looking nasty out there...." She says as she walks in her room. "That's not my war. I have nothing to do with -." Quinn starts to say as Kiano pins him to a wall, "It's your world. You live there, you MUST care!" He says as he looks in Quinn's eyes. "Let my training go to waste and I'll kill ya where you stand." He said, bringing shockwaves in fear through him. He didn't say a word as Kiano backs off of him and he remains quiet. Den comes out with some armor, Kiano snaps his fingers and armor fly to his arms, legs, and chest. "Here." He tosses Quinn a small dagger with spiritual markings on it and he catches it, almost dropping it. "What is it?" He looks at it and it shines a little as he holds it in his hand. "I'll explain later." Kiano says as Den grabs a bunch of scrolls and walks outside. They walk through the front door, they're back at the alley way Quinn and Den went through from that bar, "We're gonna get you back home.." They both says as Quinn nods and follows him.

Phantom floats downstairs and sees some scientists walking, typing, and looking at samples of someone's DNA. "(What's going on here? I'm not familiar with this level?)" Phantom asks himself as he phrases through the people and seeing what they're doing closer. There was papers he read, "(T-Teague?? As I live and breath, I thought he was....he's alive?)" He says as he feels this unbelievable pressure push him to a wall and he is visible but only for a second. The scientists stop as they hear the wall hit by something and one computer has a graph that is connected to a heart rate and another rate of "Energy" go higher and higher. A loud growl roars from the floor below and everyone freezes up in fear when a camera pointing directly at whatever the source of that energy surge disconnects. "There's no way..!" Phantom says as he phrases through and he sees a huge man with chains, wires, heart rate monitor, and cameras all on and around him. "Teague..." He says sadly as Teague's skin is red, almost melting to the muscular tissue, all his limbs and muscles are enlarged, he seems drained as if those wires are siphoning the very essence out of him. He seems to be 11 feet tall and growing little by little and he's on his knees, making him shorter(for now that is). "G-g-ghoooossss...." he looks up slowly to match eye contact and the doctor drops his equipment and grabs his gun. Phantom doesn't look phased as the doctor clearly hasn't used that gun in his life and doesn't intend to as Phantom walks towards him. "Tell me Doc. What in the actual fuck are you doing...?" He says as he simply takes the gun away from him. "Meh. The safety's off. You could've shot at me." Phantom says as he puts it on the table next to him. "I don't want to hurt.....an.....anybody.....a-a-anymoreee..." Teague utters as he smiles uncontrollably. "This can't be you....after Mission Exodus, I though you were..." Phantom says as he takes off his mask and shows his face to him. "Dead...? F-for....forgotten....? To my family.....and friends.....I'm forever...t-t-trapped." Teague says as a tear slides off his face and burns a hole near his left knee. "M.....monsters.....d-d-d-don't deserve second c-c-chances." He continues as Phantom is just speechless to seeing him like this after everyone else split. "I thought you sacrificed yourself. For the greater good, gave the world a day to look on. AS A HERO." Phantom exclaims as he thinks back to the presidential speech about it several years ago and Teague gives him a blank stare. "I apologize to him. He's not too responsive as of right now." A voice behind Phantom takes his guns out and turns around to face only Johnson in a new suit custom made by and for him. "Wow. You greet everyone you know like that? I suggest you change that." Johnson walks to a chair and sits in it. "How long do you think you can continue this? The world will find out about Teague being held up down here...captive by you." He says as he aims his guns at Johnson. "He's a criminal, you know...he absolutely obliterated half a state.." Johnson says as it sends chills down Ghost's spine. "His power can't be controlled, it needs to be let loose. He's a sponge of unbelievably radiant energy and it doesn't come out. The body diagram is having us learning about energy nullification and successful energy absorption." The doctor says as Phantom glares at him and he hushes quickly. "Oh. You can be all intimidating all you want...you're stuck here. Only way you pass is through me and I don't see that-." Johnson says as Phantom sprints towards him, shooting his guns, Johnson dodges them and then decks Phantom in the face as he is surprised how he can hit him through his phrasing. "Pretty neat huh." He says as his fist remain balled up and he smirks at him. "Bullets won't for you. There were kinetic gas bullets, packed with enough energy to..." He smiles as a chain breaks off one of Teague's arms and he grabs the scientist by the waist, breaking it in seconds. "Think I haven't planned for this beforehand? Jagged Nuke." He says and Teague drops the scientist and locks his sights on Phantom and lands a huge hit that explodes everything around them. Johnson grabs the doc and jumps through a trap door to a safe room. "RRRRAAAAAHHHH!" He yells as he aimlessly throws punches and Phantom dodges then hardly and he starts to see doors being locked up as his rampage is causing a security shutdown so he goes through the containment gates and doors. He breaks his arm through without any pain and almost reaches him, "Halt." Johnson says as the speakers around him echo through his head and he brings his arm back and gets back on his knees as the chains quickly connect to his arms. Phantom walks away as he sees the soulless eyes of Teague and realizes that he's gone and can't be saved.

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