17 - Johnson.

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Johnson stands patiently as Madison sneaks around him and tries to attack him, he grabs her hand and she zaps her with her lightning and it doesn't affect him. He smiles as he grabs her by the neck, choking her and her eyes tear out as Ava leaps in front of him. He drops her as he blocks immediately as she throws a punch to his guard, she has him drag his feet a little bit no damage was shown, "Oh. More guests, interesting." He says as he punches her with the same power she had and she flies to the wall, Kain runs up to him and he dodges him. He turns around to attack again, he flips over him and grabs his ears, blasts sound into both and kicks him in the chest. He doesn't say anything as Madison and him go hand to hand and he can't land a strike as he can't either. He smiles as she swings and misses and he punches her in the gut, she smirks as she flips and delivers a strong kick downwards, she zaps him off his face. Ava tackles him through the wall, repeatedly taking his hits in the ribs as she keeps going through wall after wall, he gives her a head butt and flies back where they were by grabbing her neck. Kain slowly gets up as he sees Ava fighting him, "Wolf Pack Fang." He yells out as she opens her eyes and her strength takes over and throws him to the ground. Kain and her link together while sharing his raw power, "Let's go." They both say as they land punches and kicks as he can't stop them both and they swiftly evade his moves to stop them and takes some damage. "Finale." They both say as Ava's club breaks aside his arm when he guards it, their link starts to fade away as she grabs her axe and swings to his hand. He dodges it, hits it off of her hand, he grabs Kain's tail and whips him into her body. "Couples fighting together....how cute." He says as Phantom shoots at him as he takes cover for his shots. He yells as he takes a pin out of a flash grenade, tosses to Madison as she's running in lightning speed and tosses it in her father's face. "Trio pack." Kain yells as he makes three clones and all three of them bite, scratch, tear his suit apart, and he kicks out in the face. He levitates a little and punches the second one, grabs the third one by the jaws, he breaks it and chuck him to the side. The broken one disappears, the second one lands on his back, he uses his suit's defensive mechanism to smell something that burns on him, he falls over and disappears. The third one tries to get him by surprise and he punches through his stomach and his lifeless body stays motionless. "Hmmm-." He hymns as the third one seems to be a clone too as right behind him, Ava and his hands are glowing and strike him in the face at the same time. "Sunset Knockout: 55% capacity!" They both yells as both their hands smash in his face and he flies through the wall and the whole building shakes as that energy blows everyone away. The building starts to collapse from above them as they are hopelessly running away from it, Thomas in his titan form scoops them all up and jumps outside a window as the building is falling next to them and his back forms that shield he had earlier and holds them tight.

Halfway to the building, Allen with Hope on his back flying see the building fall down, "Oh No!" Hope says as they flew faster to reach them, they see all the damage and carnage just scattered around, they slowly land down in the rubble. "They gotta be here...." Hope says as she aimlessly goes through the rubble without knowing anything on the events that happened. "Hey, be smart about this, you don't know who's good or who's-." Allen's voice gets horse as he sees Johnson a little battered and bruised rising from the rubble, "Hmmm. It's not safe to have a child in this environment, somebody should call child services." He says as he laughs evilly as his suit breaks apart and short circuits tad by tad, half of his face is more visible than it was before, right side of his suit is completely gone and his skin's pale. "I can do fine by myself. I wish you could say the same." She says as he walks to her and she doesn't flinch. "A little rough brat are you?" He says as her eyes light up and she balls her fists as he giggles in her face. "I'm more than that." Zion speaks through her and her Aero Blue aura surrounds her and forms somewhat of a complete upper body as the abdominal region is more protected as he stroke a punch and it didn't budge. Zion lifts his hand and drops it on him and he catches it above him, "There's plenty of ways to break a person..." he says as he tosses several smoke bombs and starts to move similarly fast as Allen does with his Sonic Speed to attack Zion at different points. "(How did he..?)" Allen is left at awe as he sees the technique of his almost mimicked in front of him. Allen's suit lights up as he runs up to Johnson and pushes him out of the smoke clouds and throws him into a car. Johnson lifts the car and throws it at them, Zion catches it and tosses it back harder and Johnson punches through it to be kicked by Allen's rocket foot. He trade rapid fast blows and run around to avoid hits and variety of combos to land and neither seems to have an advantage as the fight progresses. "Wow. Zion what's going on? I can't see anythinggg." Hope says as they're moving quicker and quicker, "They're at Sonic Speed, both of them have speed adapted gear to make them move at an elevated rate." He says as she was amazed in their fight. Huge piece of a wall slowly moves with Thomas holding everyone by his arms and Kain on his shoulders, he turns back into his human form and his back is burning red. Hope runs to all of them as Ava stirs up, Zion's energy reaches to Thomas and heals him slowly, Johnson sees it from afar and grabs Allen's arm when it turns to a small canon. "Oh no you don't!" He yells as he punches him in the face and he's dazzled as he uses his cannon to shoot a shockingly large wave of sound at them, "Damn. I can't cover everything in time." Zion says in Hope's head as they all watch it swarming to them. A portal opens up: a kid with two swords(one has a purple handle and the other one has a white handle)harnessed on his back, two daggers in his hands with ribbons tied at the ends of them, smooth slightly spiked up black hair, no shirt by a long trench silver coat missing a sleeve. He tosses his daggers in the air, takes out his purple handled sword and slashes it as it appears to be absorbed in the sword itself. "And who are you supposed to be?" Johnson says as he punches the head gear off Allen as the guy smirks at him. "Hmmmm. Well sir..." He says as he teleports behind him in a blink of an eye, back to back with his sword holstered. "I believe the question isn't to ask me who I am supposed to be; it's more like the question is...who's gonna stop me." He says as several gashes on Johnson's upper body appears and he drops to a knee. "Best yet, to answer your question; I'm Quinn." Quinn says as everyone around is shocked to his appearance. "I'd care less....who you are....you're in my way!!" Johnson's armor falls off all the way so it's just his lower half and his arms look similar to Allen's. "You're not..!!" Allen says as Johnson touches the ground with one arm, "Boom." He says as the ground implodes and pushes everyone away. Quinn sees everyone, he teleports a few miles away to a roof of a tall office building.

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