Nothing breaks like a heart

Start from the beginning

"Except, I am not a cat son. I am an angry tiger" SeokJin says to himself. His finger slide over the share button and he send the photo to his selected contacts.

"This tiger, has a pride of lions on his side"


Junhui and Minghao run to the table Jihoon is sitting. Junhui angry and Minghao worried. They received a very angering photo from him and they had to get him.

"Come, come on" Junhui says grabbing the sobbing boy. Minghao grabs Jihoon's things and they walk Jihoon out of the café, down the parking lot and help him into the car. Junhui takes the driver's side Whilst Minghao and Jihoon sit in the back. No one spoke as Junhui angrily drives to their house.

Jihoon drops his head on Minghao's shoulder, exhausted, he closes his eyes and let's sleep take him over. He just can't do it anymore.

"Hao..." Junhui's worried voice cut through the silence. Minghao looks away from the sleeping form of his best friend and to his boyfriend. "... What are we going to do?" Junhui asks. Minghao shakes his head in defeat.

"I honestly don't know Jun" Minghao replies "That's what worries me" He adds. Minghao has never been short of solutions before. He always knew what to do before he even heard of the problem, but with Jihoon's broken form next to him, Minghao just had no clue what they are going to do with their friend.

Junhui finally drives out of Seoul and down the road leading to Incheon. Minghao fell asleep 30minutes after Jihoon, his emotions having drained him of any energy. Junhui has quite a lot of anger fueling him. He is practically running on rage alone. He doesn't know if it a good thing or not.

Finally he parks the car into the garage of their house. He gets out and walk to the door. He closes it and locks it even. He the walks to back to the car, opens The door to the backseat, grabs Minghao and carries him into the house. He come back for Jihoon a while later. Junhui covers the boys before switching the lights of and walking back to the living room.

Junhui closes all the windows and locks all the doors. He switches off all their phone because he knows people will try and contact them and Honestly he doesn't want to talk to anyone. Not a single soul. He switches off the lights and joins the two sleeping. After changing into his pajamas, he goes to sleep as well, with a heavy heart.


Yoongi punches the wall with so much force, Jeongguk is sure the is a crack. The brick broke. Yoongi grabs his phone, Car keys and walks out of the bedroom. Worried Jeongguk runs after his husband. The amount of anger radiating of Yoongi can not be measured.


Jinki and Taemin worriedly run out of the house. They are heading to Seokmin's because they believe that's where they can find Jihoon. Car left behind, no shoes, hair? A mess. House? Probably not locked, but they could care less. Jihoon needs them. And hell Taemin is sure they are going to end up in the hospital this time.


Soonyoung worriedly follows Chan as his boyfriend all but walks to Seokmin's house. Chan got a message on his phone, Screamed and then left the house, no word said to the man He knows is behind him asking questions. He really has no words to express he whirlwind of emotions.

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