Alexander, however, wanted to know more. His eyes widened and his hand shot into the air.

"Why is your hand up?" Adam asked in confusion.

"It's what we do when we want to ask Miss Dae a question."

Rain couldn't help herself this time and giggled aloud. She quickly tried to cover it with a raucous cough that just earned her a strange look from Adam.

"You may ask your question, son."

"I have many questions, father. Why haven't we met Aunt Emily before? Where does Aunt Emily live? Do you have another sister? Can Aunt Emily come riding with us? Does--"

"Alright, Alexander," Rain interrupted gently. "Let's finish eating so we can get to the stables. If we're early enough, I bet Mario will let us help him saddle the horses."

Adam had looked slightly overwhelmed by his son's questions and nodded his thanks to Rain for interjecting.

"So," Emily said, clapping her hands together. "What are we doing today? I can't wait to get to know my nephews."

"I thought you had plans today," Adam said through his teeth.

"I rearranged my diary so I'm free to spend the day here."

"But I don't want you here." He glared at her with anger so intense, Rain could feel it from her seat.

"Too bad, so sad." She glared back at him with equal fervor.

Rain stood up. "Let's go kids. We don't want to keep Mario waiting." She tried to ignore the two siblings as they bickered back and forth while she ushered the children out of the great hall.

They were halfway to the stables when Rain heard her name being called. Turning around, she saw Emily sprinting down the path toward them.

"I was hoping to come riding with you all," she said all in one breath, her chest heaving as she tried to take in more oxygen.

Rain felt plain and dumpy next to this girl. She was effortlessly beautiful in a white button-down shirt and tight black riding pants that fit snugly over her slender body. Her blonde curls were pulled up into a high ponytail and despite not wearing any makeup, she had the longest eyelashes Rain had ever seen on a woman.

"As long as it's alright with Master Canmore I don't mind."

"Yay! Let's go."

They started walking alongside each other quietly.

"So," Emily started after a moment. "My asshole brother won't tell me about the boys. What are they like?"

"Well, Alexander is a real sweetheart. He likes to draw and he's really good at it. Jonathan is a very serious child but he can be very kind when he wants to be, especially toward my daughter, Sunny."

"I can't believe they're seven years old," Emily said pensively.

"Has it been that long since you last saw them?"

"I didn't know they existed until yesterday." She chuckled at Rain's expression of disbelief. "Noah let it slip that Adam was coming to Canmore Manor yesterday. I was confused because last I heard, this house had been abandoned for over sixty years," she said, continuing her explanation.

"I had my driver bring me out here and despite Noah's best efforts to keep me out, I got inside. I saw you with the children and forced Noah to tell me what was going on."

"Wow. I don't know how to respond to that," Rain admitted with a nervous laugh.

"You don't have to," Emily said, laughing as well. "Adam's an asshole."

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