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As soon as Adam was out of the door, Noah appeared in his place. "I'm supposed to take you to the nursery."

Rain nodded and followed him from the room. She felt like the walls were closing in on her as her conversation with Adam played over and over again in her head. Why did he think she was a Harvard graduate? What the heck was she going to teach the boys? She wanted to get back to her room so she could formulate a lesson plan.

"What's got you thinking so hard?" Noah asked after they had been walking for a while.

"What?" she replied absentmindedly.

"You seem really distracted. I thought you were going to run into a wall a couple of times."

"Oh. I'm just really worried about doing a good job. It's a lot more intense then I anticipated."

"You'll be fine," he said reassuringly. "Master Canmore is a bit intimidating at first but he's very reasonable. And the boys are very well behaved. You shouldn't have any problems."

"But I, I've never been responsible for so much all at once! How am I going to keep track of the boys and Sunny? And the schedules and protocol?! It's all too much!" she exclaimed. She was trying to calm herself down but it wasn't working. She felt the tears fall down her cheeks and wanted to cry even harder in embarrassment for breaking down in front of this man that she barely knew.

"Miss Dae? Are you okay?" Noah asked, his voice laced in concern or fear, she couldn't tell.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself sliding down onto the floor as her breathing quickened signaling the impending panic attack.

Noah joined her on the floor and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Miss Dae? Rain? Look at me."

Her tear-filled eyes shot up to meet his concerned gaze.

"Good. It's okay. You're okay. Breathe with me. Deep breath in...."

She drew in a shaky breath.

"...and out. Good! You're doing so good. Let's do that again. In...and out. Keep breathing. It's going to be okay. Rebecca and I are here to help you okay? You're not alone."

She nodded quickly, feeling her breath slowly returning to normal. "I, I'm sorry, Noah."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"It's not your job to babysit me."

He snorted. "I'm your bodyguard. That is literally my job."

Rain cracked up at his statement.

"Hey! There's a smile," Noah said, offering Rain his hand to help her off of the floor. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah," she replied with a sigh. "They usually don't last long."

"Do you have these attacks frequently?"

"Can we talk about something else, please?" she asked quietly.

"Uh, sure. We've arrived at the nursery," he said, gesturing to the doors to their right.

She followed him into yet another large room. "You call this a nursery?" she asked in disbelief.

Noah chuckled. "What did you expect?"

"I don't know! Certainly not this!"

The entrance to the nursery was not unlike her and Sunny's suite. There were a few armchairs next to a large bookcase off to the right. What was shocking to Rain was the main room. Each area of the room was dedicated to different activities. There was an area for reading, an area for what looked like legos, an area for artwork and the list went on. There was even a large jungle gym in the back of the room toward the large french doors that led to an outdoor play area.

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