Who Do You Belong To

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"I don't want that from you! Don't you get it?! Is this why you pretended to be worried about me? TO GET IN MY FUCKING PANTS?!"

I push her away from me as I run to the backdoor and through the house, finally reaching my car and getting inside, locking my doors as I start my engine and quickly start driving towards the apartment

I sob the entire drive, finally reaching the apartment, I stay in my car for a few minutes just crying alone... before I build up the courage to walk into the apartment..

I walk in, the puppies all laying in their beds asleep... every light is off...

Suddenly I hear the bed creak and footsteps coming in my direction

"So now you fucking decide to show up huh? After you chose to stay with her over coming home to me!! How fucking dare you!!"

After I hear Demi's screams.. I whimper and fall against the door, pulling my legs to my chest and burying my face in them

The light flashes on and I hear her walking towards me

"LOOK AT ME ADELAIDE. NOW. LOOK THE FUCK UP" her screams send shivers down my spine and my face lifts up to meet hers

"Demi... please... don't be mad at me... don't hurt me... I promise you that I didn't do anything with her.. I fucking swear.. when she asked me to meet after class.. she asked me why I wasn't showing up to class and failing.. and I told her I was so depressed because you were always away.. and that I had no energy.. she told me that if I spent a couple hours a day with her, just talking.. she would bump my grade... when I asked her why.. she said that it just seemed like I needed someone to be there.. and that I needed attention.. she said she would give me all her attention to just let me vent about what was going on in my mind..
honestly that sounded nice...because you're always gone... we never talk or spend time together anymore... and you act like I'm a bother and like I don't even exist.. so I accepted the offer.. that's what we talked about earlier.. then when I came home and you were pissed I texted her asking if I could come over because I needed to vent... she said yes and i drove there after we argued.. she was in a robe when I got there, and I asked her if she was ready for bed, that I could leave so she could rest so I wouldn't bother her.. but she said she wanted to let me vent... all we did was sit in the backyard talking.. I was crying so hard.. and she held me.. and she.. kissed me.. but I pulled away I swear.. she told me she wanted to give me all the love you weren't giving me... and I yelled at her.. I said I only wanted love from you.. then I saw your text about being 2 minutes away.. so I grabbed my stuff and ran through the entire back yard and the house.. because I didn't want to see you yet... I was hurting.... but as I reached the door you were there... I didn't leave with you because I wanted to give you time to calm down... so we could calmly talk... then I decided to come home... please believe me.. you have to believe me.. I'm telling the truth..."

As I was almost done talking Demi pulled me up from the ground and carried me to the bedroom, setting me on the edge of the bed and standing in front of me

great.. she probably didn't even pay attention to me...
my sobs echo in the house, everything just came out of me like word vomit..
I just needed her to know the truth..
Even if she didn't listen...

She shouts after a few seconds

After I don't respond she pulls away from me and roughly grips my wrists

You do as I say, understood? Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin